Organization: MCAA

Graco Mechanical Upgrades Houston Highrise in One Weekend with Marley Cooling Towers

For Graco Mechanical of Houston, TX, Marley NC® Cooling Towers from SPX Cooling Tech, LLC proved to be the ideal solution for replacing a highrise building’s aging cooling tower in a tight space with an even tighter timeline—just one weekend. These factory-assembled, or “package,” towers allowed for faster installation than a field-erected option while meeting the building’s needs.

A Tall Order

Installing a cooling tower on a roof of any height is never an easy task. Graco Mechanical was called on to disassemble an old wooden cooling tower and replace it with a new one for the Lyric Tower, a 26-story modern office tower in the theatre district of downtown Houston. The building needed a new tower—or towers—that was efficient and could be installed inside the existing mechanical pit without altering too much of the existing piping arrangement and structural steel. To add to the challenge, Graco Mechanical would only have a single weekend to complete the project, so as not to disrupt service for the tower’s tenants.

Using two Marley NC Cooling Towers, Graco Mechanical met the Lyric Tower’s need for new, efficient cooling towers that could be installed inside the existing mechanical pit without altering too much of the existing piping arrangement and structural steel.

Based on the required load and flow factors, the project tTeam selected two cells of model NC8407 to handle up to 1,800 gallons per minute and 700+ cooling tons per cell. The Marley NC cooling towers’ heat transfer media, fans, gravity-flow water distribution, and mechanical drive systems work together to provide industry-leading cooling and energy efficiency.

The units were also specified as all stainless-steel construction, which provides additional corrosion resistance and long-term durability. The units were equipped with variable flow nozzles to maximize effectiveness and energy savings while supporting chillers and pumps during off-peak periods.

Reaching for the Sky

Once the cooling towers were selected, Graco Mechanical was tasked with finding the best way to get them to the rooftop. Being in downtown Houston, there was little room for error, and the unique combination of height, reach, and load weight was beyond the capabilities of all locally available cranes. Using a helicopter lift would have its own limitations because of weight and air traffic regulations.

Eventually, the Graco team sourced one of only two cranes in Texas that could handle the job, with the help of TNT Crane & Rigging. Despite being one of the largest costs of the project, this crane still provided significant savings over all other proposed ideas.

Working Through the Weekend

Teardown on the existing tower began Friday afternoon. The crew at Graco Mechanical and a handful of subcontractors worked day and night in shifts to remove all the components of the existing field-erected tower.

The Lyric building’s downtown Houston location posed problems for local crane operators and even helicopters, so Graco Mechanical found one of only two cranes in the state that could handle the job—allowing them to meet the extremely tight deadline for cooling tower installation.

“Plans were sent out to each subcontractor with the layout of the streets and how the staging area would be set up, so each sub knew the exact part they were playing and when they were due up,” explained John Kanouff, general manager of service for Graco Mechanical. “This step was critical to completing the project on time.”

Starting at approximately 1 a.m. on Sunday, the new towers were lifted into position. Once they were safely placed in the mechanical yard, the crew immediately began reassembling the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems.

“The crane group did a great job on the lift plan, and they calculated, down to the inch, the clearance they would have when the crane swung on each lift,” added Kanouff.

By the time tenants started arriving on Monday morning, the Graco Mechanical crew had done exactly what they set out to do: the new Marley cooling towers at Lyric Tower were up and running—as was the central plant—for the workforce returning from the weekend.

For more information, visit

FARO Offers Five Tips for Maximizing Profitability With 3D Reality Capture

When processes are not aligned at every stage of a construction project, costly delays and unnecessary expenses are inevitable—and in the worst-case scenario can even result in legal disputes. Communication with stakeholders, the ability to monitor site progress, and the interconnected nature of construction work can all pose challenges to your bottom line.

However, if you streamline your construction progress management, you can mitigate risk and avoid losses. Here are five ways that 3D reality capture can help you avoid poor process management that could result in lost income.

  1. Avoid Costly Project Disputes

According to an Arcadis report, the global average cost for construction disputes in 2021 was $52.6 million, and disputes lasted an average of 15.4 months. Without a tool to track onsite progress accurately at every stage of your project, your organization might be leaving itself open to the risk of legal disputes, which can cost millions of dollars in settlements and legal fees.

Read Arcadis’ 2022 Global Construction Disputes Report: Successfully Navigating Through Turbulent Times: Read the Report Here.

Misaligned expectations of construction quality, delays in delivery, and the handoff between contractors are three common areas where construction disputes arise. These risks can be easily avoided with proper documentation and recordkeeping. So, when it comes time for a construction project handover, a comprehensive progress record like 3D reality capture can mitigate the risk of legal disputes.

  1. Build Long-Lasting Customer Networks

If construction progress is not managed, tracked, and communicated efficiently, stakeholders are left in the dark about the status of their projects, which can lead to doubt, confusion, and a reduced likelihood of future business opportunities for your firm.

Without being able to visualize the site in its entirety, stakeholders might need to make regular site visits to gain peace of mind about progress and to ensure that everything is on track. Site visits can be inconvenient, time-consuming, and costly, possibly damaging your reputation with clients. However, by using 3D reality capture tools—such as the FARO® Focus Premium and Focus Core Laser Scanner, alongside the FARO Sphere Cloud Platform—you can capture site conditions in a visual format easily to ensure an up-to-date, as-built record.

  1. Collect Complete As-Built Documentation

Securing repeat jobs with clients is always a positive outcome. With each maintenance and renovation project, contractors must complete and update as-built documentation. If that documentation is not up to date, every time a new project begins, a comprehensive walk-through and additional pre-work must take place before the work is started. These walk-throughs are not only time-consuming but also add to labor costs. Maintaining a reliable as-built record of the site that is updated within a shared, cloud-based platform, such as Sphere, allows you to avoid the extra time and labor costs.

  1. Minimize Expensive Rework

According to a 2018 survey by PlanGrid, in the United States, almost 50% of rework results from miscommunication. The lack of a visual representation of the jobsite and communication that happens in disjointed email threads or group texts can often lead to misunderstanding about what is really happening onsite. Without a shared platform to coordinate, collaborate, and execute plans, decisions can be made based on inaccurate or incomplete data.

Learn more about the PlanGrid survey from this blog:

In this setting, 3D reality capture provides a huge competitive advantage in profit margins for your construction firm. The accuracy and objectivity it provides prevent many miscommunications that can lead to costly rework.

  1. Make Accurate Cost Estimates

Inaccurate cost estimation can easily lead to cost overrun for your construction firm. Bids that overestimate or underestimate the costs of materials or labor can significantly impact not only the project’s completion, but also your firm’s bottom line.

Overestimations may lead to a client choosing not to hire your firm at all, while underestimations can mislead clients about the size of the investment—potentially delaying payment to your contractors or project completion, which could result in litigation and damage your company’s reputation. These issues are most often caused by a simple lack of good visual data of the jobsite. You can easily avoid inaccurate cost estimations with a fast, accurate 3D reality capture setup.

Minimize Risk With Better Data Faster

When properly implemented, 3D reality capture—from a construction progress management platform like HoloBuilder to the accuracy provided by a FARO Focus Premium Laser Scanner—lets your team collect, analyze, monitor, and integrate field data for a variety of specific uses.

By capturing the jobsite in 3D, your onsite and offsite teams can collaborate seamlessly while keeping stakeholders in the loop at any point of the project. Once the project is complete, you will have an accurate, objective progress record to eliminate doubt and minimize the risk of legal disputes, improving the likelihood of repeat business.

For more information, visit

Miller Electric Illustrates Benefits of Induction for Welding Preheating

Welding preheating is used to ensure weld quality and reduce the chance of cracking and other defects that can result in costly rework. Preheating is commonly used in field and shop applications when welding steel or steel alloy pipes or plates that are 1” thick or more. Applications that often use preheating include power plant and structural construction, as well as pipe fabrication. Here, Miller Electric outlines four common methods for welding preheating and how to choose the best option for your application.

When To Use Preheating

The process of preheating involves heating the area around the weld joint or the entire part to a specified temperature before welding. This reduces the weld cooling rate and drives out moisture, which helps prevent hydrogen buildup and the potential for cracking.

Determining whether an application requires preheating depends on several factors, including the type and thickness of the base material. Often, use of preheating is dictated by the welding procedure specification (WPS), which outlines the minimum and maximum preheating temperatures as well as the necessary duration of preheating. Welders typically must monitor and document the base material temperature between weld passes to ensure the metal remains within the required temperature range.

Weld Preheating Methods

Several methods can be used for preheating, and each option offers benefits and drawbacks. Determining the best method for a specific application often depends on the material thickness, weldment size, project timeline and budget, and available personnel and expertise.

  • Induction creates a magnetic field that generates eddy currents within the base metal, heating it internally from within. Accessories such as cables or blankets are placed on or near the part to generate the magnetic field. Induction provides quick setup time—often less than five minutes—and a fast time to reach the desired temperature. This method also produces a uniform heating area, making it easy to achieve and stay within the necessary temperature window. In addition, because the output coils do not get hot or create an uncomfortably hot environment for welders, induction can be safer than other methods. It also delivers flexibility to heat parts of many sizes and shapes. Induction can have a higher initial cost and require some operator training to ensure proper wrapping techniques.
  • Open flame involves operators using a fuel gas and compressed air torch (sometimes called rosebuds) to apply flame directly to the metal part. Flame preheating requires little operator training, but it does have several drawbacks. Flame often provides inconsistent temperature uniformity, has a slower time to reach desired temperature because of its inefficient process, and also compromises comfort and safety for operators working near the soot, smoke, and gases produced. This method also includes the extra expense of gas storage and distribution.
  • Resistance heating uses electrically heated ceramic pads placed on the base metal. The tiles transfer heat to the part through radiant and conductive heat, specifically where the pads are in contact with the part. This method can offer temperature consistency as long as no heating pads are broken. Downsides of resistance heating include cost and inefficiency. This method is often contracted out to a third party, increasing the cost. It can also sometimes take an hour or more to arrange and secure the heating pads on the part; the required cool-down time also adds significant time to the process. Broken heating pads can cause hot and cold spots in the part and add repair and replacement costs to your heating process. Also, resistance heating elements get extremely hot and can pose a safety hazard.
  • Ovens use convection heating, and the entire part is placed inside the oven, resulting in uniform heating. This method allows for heating many parts at once. However, ovens can be quite large and must be connected to an electrical outlet or gas supply, so they lack mobility. When large parts are involved, you may have to transport hot parts through your facility. In addition, the oven may need to be preheated for several hours before it is used, adding time to the process.

Induction Provides Many Benefits

Many critical welding applications require preheating. Understanding the differences between the preheating methods can help you choose the one that optimizes efficiency, reduces costs, and minimizes safety hazards for operators. Contractors in numerous industries have seen significant time savings with a move to induction heating—reducing cycle time by several hours per weld in some cases. Compared with other methods, induction heating is an efficient, consistent method for preheating, bakeout, and stress relieving for a wide range of part shapes and welding applications, helping you save time and money.

For more information, visit

Bluegrass Hydronics and Pump Turns Emergency Replacement Into No-Cost Upgrade With Delta Cooling Towers

By installing antimicrobial cooling towers from Delta Cooling, Bluegrass Hydronics and Pump helped a rural Kentucky school district qualify for a federal grant to replace a failed tower and another nearing the end of its life. The units solved the two biggest issues the school district was facing: budget constraints and the need for durable solutions.

It all started when a cooling tower used in conjunction with the school’s HVAC system failed. The old, metal-clad cooling tower at the area middle school required significant maintenance over the years. However, the district was hoping to delay the expense of replacing it along with another aging metal tower used by the high school.

“They needed a new tower, fast. Theirs was in real bad shape from years of rust buildup and they were experiencing all kinds of leaks—panel leaks, gasket leaks, everything,” explained Zach McKinney, sales engineer at Bluegrass Hydronics and Pump, which helped the school district with the cooling tower replacement.

Often in an emergency situation, researching for optimal replacement options gets tossed aside for what can be done quickly and easily. Fortunately, for the school district, the team at Bluegrass had experience with advanced engineered-plastic cooling towers.

Going for the Grant

To cut costs, McKinney had a plan. He knew that some engineered-plastic cooling towers are now manufactured with antimicrobial properties. He believed this feature would qualify the towers for government funding under the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) program.

Because Delta Cooling’s antimicrobial cooling towers are eligible for federal relief funds to address environmental health hazards in schools, Bluegrass Hydronics and Pump helped a rural Kentucky school district obtain two much-needed towers at no cost.

Created by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, ESSER funds are awarded to schools that need to repair or improve their facilities. To qualify, the improvements must reduce exposure to environmental health hazards. Originally intended for COVID-19 relief, the program was expanded in 2021 to include other environmental health and safety projects not directly related to coronavirus.

Antimicrobial engineered-plastic cooling towers were first designed to help prevent outbreaks of the potentially fatal Legionnaires’ disease. Unlike metal towers, engineered plastic can be molded with special wide-spectrum antimicrobial additives throughout the plastic. These additives operate on a cellular level to continuously disrupt and prevent uncontrolled growth of microorganisms and biofilm within the cooling tower.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains how Legionnaires’ disease can grow and spread and how to prevent it.

“It worked! The school district was awarded the grant and was able to acquire both towers at no out-of-pocket expense,” said McKinney.

A Textbook Case

The adoption of antimicrobial cooling towers has become increasingly important because of the growing number of outbreaks of Legionnaires’ disease at numerous locations throughout North America. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that as many as 18,000 people are infected with the Legionella bacteria in the United States alone every year. Found naturally in freshwater environments, Legionella becomes a health hazard when it grows unabated in water that is not properly treated. A significant number of outbreaks have originated in cooling towers.

“A cooling tower is the perfect breeding ground for Legionella, because it’s wet and humid and exposed to sunlight,” explained McKinney. “The Legionella will colonize the walls of the tower, and the colony will grow bigger and bigger.”

Cooling towers have a long history of effectively expelling heat from the water used in many commercial and industrial applications. However, even when they are disinfected and properly maintained, cooling towers are potential breeding grounds for Legionella, according to the CDC.

Legionella bacteria spread to humans when expelled water vapor or mist containing the bacteria is inhaled. For this rural Kentucky school district, the location of their cooling towers amplified their concerns over this issue.

“One of the towers sits right by the football stadium,” said McKinney. “Can you imagine if they had an outbreak right there with all those people in the stands? That would be bad news!”

Back to School

The school district ultimately selected a TM series 310-ton cooling tower and a 250-ton Paragon model manufactured by Delta Cooling. The company pioneered engineered-plastic cooling towers in the 1970s and recently innovated the first cooling towers featuring antimicrobial resins in not only the fill, but also the entire base cooling tower structural material, sump, and drift eliminator.

The engineered-plastic towers are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE), which is impervious to the natural and chemical causes of rust and corrosion. The towers are also unaffected by the acidity from water sources, including evaporation make-up water and even the water treatment chemicals that attack metal towers from the inside out. This feature solved the second issue for the school district.

“Durability was a huge part of what won us that job,” added McKinney. “With HDPE, the whole tower is molded in one piece, so you don’t have any of the leaking points that caused the failures in metal towers. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that Delta puts a 20-year warranty on their towers. You just don’t get that kind of lifespan with metal towers.”

To further reduce ongoing cost and maintenance requirements, the school district also wanted to get away from the belt-driven fan systems that require periodic downtime for replacement. The Delta Cooling direct-drive fan eliminates the belts entirely. In addition, the variable-frequency drive motor, which requires less horsepower than the school district’s previous towers, is already translating into a substantial savings on electric power consumption.

“We are actually already working to roll this out again at other schools,” concluded McKinney. “The ESSER funds are still available, and with these antimicrobial HDPE cooling towers, we know we can help other schools improve their situation.”

For more information, visit, call 800-289-3358, or email

Simplifying the Way We Capture and Transfer Knowledge

By Frantz Belot, Ph.D.
President and Co-Founder, Tyfoom

With more than 70 million baby boomers set to retire by 2030—more than 10,000 each day—organizations need to rethink the way they capture and transfer knowledge before it is lost forever.

In fact, 42 percent of company skills are only known by one person.[1] Much of this information is mission-critical, proprietary, experiential, and unique. It is based on how employees apply what they have learned throughout their careers—and in the case of baby boomers, what has led them to be the most efficient and productive generation of workers the earth has seen.

Yet today’s training is getting lost on the next generation. Eighty-seven percent of millennials say that their corporate learning experience is boring and not relevant.[2] And, it’s not just millennials: one third of all employees say the training their organization provides is out of date.[3]

If learners don’t see training as relevant to what they do, they will become frustrated and it is more difficult to retain them. They will also forget what was taught, which is frightening considering that employees forget 70 percent of information after one day.[4]

Video-Based Microlearning

Video-based microlearning delivers highly engaging content in a way that ensures knowledge transfer. It differentiates itself from other forms of microlearning in a few significant ways. First, it simplifies rather than overcomplicates communication and training. Second, it uses the concepts of spaced learning and video content to provide a daily cadence and repetition of topics to improve retention—and confidence—in learners.

Video-based microlearning also allows organizations to have user-generated, manager-approved content, which can greatly enhance top-down communication and training. It will often be made available in the flow of work so employees can remember in the moment they need, but also in an on-demand library for when they forget.

Most platforms that provide video-based microlearning were developed on iOS or Android mobile devices—not a desktop computer—and as a result are designed to be mobile-first. This means they leverage the functionalities and behaviors that are inherent to smartphones. It also means that video-based microlearning is short—often under two minutes.

Video-based microlearning training modules don’t need to take 7–10 hours to create. Rather, they can be created in minutes following a simple step-by-step methodology that we created based on years of scientific research.

Using a Proven Methodology

By following the methodology below, organizations can quickly create and distribute video-based microlearning training for their organizations.

Step 1: Determine the Topic

First, identify the topic that requires training. You may want to understand what employees already know on the topic, where they can improve, what new skills need to be taught, or which old skills need review. Training topics are strategic, broad ideas that are important to your organization.

Some organizations will regularly survey their employees and managers to determine what skill sets are needed by managers and desired by employees.

Step 2: Isolate Best Practices

Next, break that topic down into several skills or best practices that can be taught. Don’t include anything that is unnecessary. Typically, asking top performers at your organization about the skills and best practices that make them top performers will help you identify and isolate these skills.

Each skill taught should have three or four main points that can be taught. If there are more, break them down into multiple lessons—unless they are processes, such as the steps of how to change a tire or importing information into a database, where a short list of steps is still brief.

Step 3: Outline in Small Chunks

The average attention span in humans is approximately 8.25 seconds.[5] Research shows that effective training takes about two minutes to ensure knowledge transfer. As a result, training should be short.

This is a good thing—and what employees want—in that it allows organizations to provide short bursts of useful information that is relevant and to the point.

To keep your training short, create a brief outline of the training that includes a brief one-sentence introduction that stresses the importance of the topic. Then, include three main “takeaways” that you want learners to remember. Then, close with a call to action asking them to implement what was taught.

A formal script is not needed, which saves time and builds credibility.

Step 4: Record the Video

Because your training video is less than two minutes, communicate only the information that is needed and in a way that is clear and easy to understand. Shoot the video in less than three takes, as the delivery of information will likely degrade and length increase.

For quick training and communications, you can use your mobile phone, which is more than adequate for most training modules. You can also record video on a computer desktop with screen capture software and a microphone.

Step 5: Edit the Video

To edit, use software that is available in your app store or bundled with your device. Get right into instruction as you start the video. Don’t employ an opening title sequence, rather include a branded bumper at the end to reduce distraction. Where possible, add text on the screen to reinforce key concepts.

Distribute, Test, and Report Daily

Distributing training on a daily basis is critical. It is equally important to test daily to ensure knowledge transfer and provide accountability.

A simple quiz format that covers each of the main points of the outline is ideal. Not only does it reinforce and test retention, but it has the added benefit of helping understand if learners are engaging with the content they create.

As a result, make sure that your training platform allows you to automate the quick uploading, distribution, and testing that is required. In addition, it should allow for the creation of an on-demand library so employees can quickly access crucial information in the flow of work.

This new training methodology is designed to help contractors reduce the time required to create video-based microlearning. Whether the outcome is safety, culture, reducing rework, or standardizing best practices, it can help you create the most effective training modules that are easily remembered and put into practice by your workforce.

MCAA members can download Tyfoom’s “cheat sheet” of this methodology:

For more information, visit


[1] Davis, J. (2018, July 18). Knowledge loss: turnover means losing more than employees. HR Daily Advisor.
[2] Adkins, A., & Rigoni, B. (2016, June 30). Millennials want jobs to be development opportunities. Gallup.
[3] Lorman Education Services. (2021, September 1). 39 statistics that prove the value of employee training.
[4] LoCicero, C. (n.d.). 10 facts & stats about learning retention you’ll want to remember. Bridge.
[5] Zauderer, S. (2022, December 26). Average human attention span by age (infographic). Cross River Therapy.

Maxair Mechanical and Victaulic Streamline Complex Med School Project From Design to Startup

For a new, state-of-the-art medical school campus, Maxair Mechanical saved valuable time by installing “miles of piping” using Victaulic products rather than welding and relying on Victaulic’s 3D models of the mechanical space to anticipate potential pitfalls and avoid costly delays. Streamlining processes at every opportunity, Maxair completed the project on time, despite labor and supply chain challenges. Victaulic is a major sponsor of MCAA23.

Thanks to Victaulic’s VDC team, Maxair was able to optimize the mechanical room layout for the School of Medicine, so each component is easy to access and can be disassembled without welding or flanging, simplifying maintenance and service.

The new Mercer University School of Medicine in Columbus, GA, boasts 77,000 square feet of classrooms, research facilities, and office space. To support it, Mercer University needed a sophisticated, reliable mechanical system that would keep students and faculty comfortable and safe while also providing temperature control to critical areas, such as a gross anatomy laboratory and vivarium.

Mercer University tasked NBP Engineers Inc. and Maxair Mechanical with installing four mechanical spaces at the new site, which included three boilers, chilled and heating water piping and pumps, a condenser system, and five dedicated air handling units for the laboratories.

Working under a tight completion deadline, Doug Polley, Maxair’s senior project manager, knew they needed to incorporate strategic solutions to compress their schedule and mitigate risk. Victaulic was the ideal partner for the job.

Setting Up for Success

The mechanical rooms required precise layouts to fit the necessary equipment and piping. Optimizing the spatial design was also a priority, as it would simplify the initial installation and facilitate future maintenance and servicing for Mercer University. The Victaulic Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) team was fundamental to meeting the project’s demands.

Victaulic’s VDC team worked to optimize the layout and design of the entire mechanical system at Mercer University which, combined with the efficiency of Maxair’s new fabrication shop, enabled workers to keep pace despite delivery delays.

“Victaulic used their expertise to create 3D models of the mechanical spaces, which proved hugely advantageous in the BIM [building information modeling] process,” Polley said. “The 3D modeling enabled us to optimize the room layout, identify potential issues ahead of time that might have wrecked the schedule, and put solutions in place during the design phase that avoided costly rework.”

Dale Heiring, principal at NBP Engineers, Inc., added, “We were pleased with the consistent support Victaulic provided. The team reviewed all our specs—which are extremely thorough—and they made sure every detail was accounted for.”

Navigating Challenges

When Maxair Mechanical first bid on the project in the fall of 2020, they were prepared to work through a certain degree of uncertainty. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the available skilled labor pool and caused supply chain disruptions that directly affected construction schedules.

“It was constantly a race to keep up on the project. It was quite challenging. There were moments that seemed impossible,” Polley said.

Challenges ranged from finding sufficient staff to substitute workers when outbreaks spiked to delayed material arrivals because delivery drivers struggled to locate people at drop-off locations on the large campus. But Maxair was determined to complete the work on schedule—and they did.

Maxair Mechanical used Victaulic grooved couplings, fittings, and valves to tie in two boilers inside the first-level mechanical room at Mercer University’s School of Medicine, saving time compared with welded solutions.

The thoughtful and clear design and layout of the mechanical space, combined with the efficiency of Maxair’s new fabrication shop, enabled workers to keep pace despite delivery delays. Onsite, pipefitters worked off of a detailed spool map, developed by the Victaulic VDC team, that streamlined installation, while the grooved couplings, fittings, valves, and equipment modules proved easy and fast to install.

“If we had welded everything, it would have been very challenging to maintain the schedule,” Polley said. “We had miles of piping to install throughout a large, two-story medical building, and we were working with many complex systems.”

“Once the materials and units arrived, it didn’t take long to install the Victaulic product, the mechanical rooms were laid out well, and the designs were easy to follow,” said Guy Cozzolino, Maxair’s pipefitting coordinator.

A Productive Partnership

Despite unfavorable supply chain conditions that complicated this highly sophisticated mechanical installation, Maxair Mechanical and NBP Engineers, Inc. delivered the full scope on schedule. By partnering with Victaulic and engaging its VDC services, the engineers and mechanical contractors streamlined the entire process before materials were even purchased.

Mercer University School of Medicine at Columbus welcomed its inaugural class of medical students to the new campus in December of 2021. “It’s a win for Mercer that their students got this state-of-the-art facility that is well thought-out from the design phase to the final product,” Polley said.

For more information, visit MCAA thanks Victaulic for being a major sponsor of MCAA23.

Connect With the Latest Training from Trimble and SPX Cooling Tech, LLC at

The Manufacturer/Supplier Training area of MCAA’s website connects our contractor members with training opportunities available from the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new webinars and training opportunities across their product lines, services, solutions or web pages. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Watch Trimble’s educational webinar to see how value engineering can help you win more bids and address common industry challenges such as labor and material shortages. Plus, this training will show how you can save time on mechanical estimates that include value engineering alternates without a re-takeoff.

SPX Cooling Tech, LLC
Looking to tune up your evaporative cooling knowledge? SPX Marley Contractor Resources include live and on-demand webinars, School of Cool® training, installation videos and more. Check it out.

Interested in More Training from Our Supplier Partners?

Be sure to visit the Manufacturer/Supplier Training area for all the latest offerings.

Troy Turpin, CEM & Ryan Hoggatt Named UMC Shareholders

UMC, an MCAA member, has named Development Director Troy Turpin, CEM, and Manufacturing Director Ryan Hoggatt shareholders of the firm. Both Turpin and Hoggatt have been with UMC for many years and play critical roles in the current operations and future growth of UMC.

Turpin has more than 23 years of experience working in mechanical design and construction for the building industry with various roles in energy consulting, project management, and business development. As a certified energy manager (CEM), he has been responsible for development and concept planning of large-scale projects with sustainability goals or requirements. He is UMC’s director of development responsible for leading the project executive and business development teams, as well as overseeing the preconstruction team. He continues to support both external and internal clients.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled to become a shareholder at UMC,” said Turpin. “The business has made great strides since 2008 when I officially became a part of the UMC family. During that time, we have seen the strategic parts of the business grow in an ever-changing marketplace. We truly have the best employees and clients. I’m excited to make my contributions to the business as a shareholder, by helping to ensure that we continue to grow the business strategically and continue to offer a great place to work for our employees and offer the best solutions to our many great clients.”

Hoggatt has been with UMC since 2008. He is the director of UMC’s manufacturing division that consists of a system of standardized, streamlined processes that eliminate waste, improve productivity, increase efficiency, and ensure quality and safety. Using cutting-edge technology, Hoggatt is responsible for corporate manufacturing and virtual construction strategy, standards, and operation, as well as construction technology adoption and implementation. He has developed the company’s robust prefabrication business that supports modular construction and drives efficiencies throughout the construction delivery process.

“Although much has changed since I joined UMC in 2008, the one constant has always been our amazing employees and tremendous clients,” said Hoggatt. “I hope to contribute to the legacy of previous generations at UMC by maintaining our longstanding culture and traditions while continuing to pursue innovation that will ensure our competitiveness in the marketplace for the foreseeable future. It’s an honor to become a shareholder at UMC and I am committed to our promise to provide a best-in-class workplace for our employees and experience for our clients.”

“We couldn’t be more excited to welcome Ryan and Troy to the ownership team at UMC,” said Steve Brooks, president. “With a passion for building and devotion to our clients, their dedication will help to ensure the company’s growth and prosperity. They both bring strong creative ideas on how to make UMC a better place to work and a better partner for our clients. The success of our business relies on new ideas and perspectives. Continuing to grow our ownership group helps us stay competitive and creative in our approach to the market.”

MCAA congratulates Troy and Ryan on their shareholder status. We wish you and the rest of the UMC team continued success.

Silicon Valley Mechanical Improves Productivity, Efficiency With PypeServer Enterprise Software

Silicon Valley Mechanical, a full-service mechanical contractor in San Jose, CA, rapidly improved productivity and increased efficiency by putting PypeServer software into place. Here, Jamie Garza, detail manager, and Dean Garza, piping shop general foreman at Silicon Valley Mechanical, describe how they achieved those gains.

What led to your decision to try PypeServer’s workflow software?

We’ve been running PypeServer’s Enterprise software for our Vernon pipe profiler since early 2021 and have been happy with it. Between its O-let handling features, part nesting, and labeling, Enterprise is giving us two to four times the productivity and higher cut quality from our Vernon. At the same time, we’d tried several different workflow software packages from other vendors to get data from our VDC [virtual design and construction] group to the shop, but nothing really worked to our satisfaction. We recently had a connectivity issue between another piece of software and the Vernon—it would just stall out for days with no help from the vendor. That’s what led us to try PypeServer’s Connect and Cloud workflow software, which is included for free with our Enterprise subscription for the Vernon.

Learn more about the software and request a demo here:

What does your typical workflow look like now, from design through production?

The Detailing team works with engineered drawings in AutoCAD Fabrication CADmep to set them up for prefabrication. Once a model is signed off and ready for build, we spool in Fabrication, select the parts we want to cut using the PypeServer Connect plug-in for AutoCAD, and send the cut lists to the Vernon using the PypeServer Cloud service to transmit the data and monitor progress.

You’re one of the first users of PypeServer’s full suite of workflow products, including the Connect add-ons for Revit and AutoCAD, the Cloud service, and PypeServer Enterprise for your Vernon MPM pipe profiler. Can you describe the implementation process?

Getting everything set up and working was much easier and faster than we expected. We worked with the PypeServer Support team to understand how information gets pushed through the system and how to configure PypeServer Connect and Cloud to send data to our Vernon. Installing the Connect add-on for AutoCAD is a breeze, and it’s simple to add users to our Cloud account. It literally takes only minutes to train someone new on the PypeServer workflow, and they’re pushing data to the shop in under an hour. PypeServer’s support team also helped us set things up on the shop side with Enterprise for the Vernon. The software lets us automatically customize O-let hole sizes, insert root gaps, and make other fabrication-specific design tweaks, as well as printing labels.

Having the PypeServer team available for support has been huge. When we’re up and rolling, we don’t have days to stop if something goes wrong. We need to be back up and running within hours, and PypeServer has delivered. 

How has your workflow changed with PypeServer, and what savings in time, labor, and materials have you seen?

Our VDC group used to spend a lot of time converting feet and inches to decimals on spool sheets for the shop. When you look at the number of spools we build, the time spent on that adds up fast. Now the Vernon pipe profiler gets the information it needs directly from the Connect AutoCAD plug-in, so the process has been streamlined from a page-by-page spool sheet review that could take hours to a quick five minutes to send the data to the cloud, bring it into Enterprise, and double check that everything that needs to be fabricated was sent down to the shop from VDC.

With PypeServer Enterprise and Connect software, Silicon Valley Mechanical links the detailer to the Vernon machine on the shop floor, which results in predictable, weld-ready cuts that speed up the fabrication process.

The nesting feature of Enterprise is also a huge time and material saver. Now we can send all the parts to the machine at the same time, and it will cut them in one operation with minimal waste. This allows the operator to accomplish other tasks, like prepping the ends of the pipe for the welder, organizing the pieces coming off the Vernon, and then loading new material to be cut.

Our workflow is now migrating toward pushing everything to PypeServer Cloud. We used to rely a lot on cut files that we’d put in specific folders on our computer network. Sometimes files would get put in the wrong place and it was possible to accidentally cut things twice. With the Cloud, there are no lost files and the system keeps track of what’s been cut.

PypeServer Enterprise for the Vernon easily paid for itself before we started using Connect and Cloud, but now the efficiencies are extending up to our VDC group, and we don’t have to pay anything extra for those workflow tools.

Do you have any further improvements planned for your fabrication process?

We really like how PypeServer Enterprise has increased the value of our Vernon pipe profiler, and we’re looking at using PypeServer Lyte with our TigerSaw. Many of our projects include fabricating specialty racking systems out of copper. We cut all this on our TigerSaw, and a lot of the pieces can be prefabricated. We’ve already been testing the new workflow, pulling cut lists from AutoCAD and sending them to the TigerStop using Connect and Cloud in exactly the same way we do for the Vernon.

Are there any other benefits that you didn’t expect from the PypeServer software?

We really like how PypeServer Enterprise gives us deep control over how the Vernon works. For example, the Vernon has a big rotating head that gives it a lot of beveling flexibility, but for small holes, it can slow things down and cause overburn. Enterprise lets us turn off head rotation for small holes, which really speeds it up and improves cut quality dramatically. We’re now able to cut holes as small as 3/16”. With the regular Vernon software, we couldn’t do that.

Do you have any advice for other organizations looking to improve their fab shop productivity?

Be patient and have a clear road map for where you want to go. We recommend tackling one piece of equipment at a time and making sure you have a dedicated test team who can stay on top of the process to refine the workflow. Ask your peers what they are doing, where they are finding opportunities for success, and also where they’ve come up short.

In the end, we really like the way PypeServer has removed the middleman between VDC and the shop. We get great visibility on cut lists as they move from the design software to the pipe profiler—giving us more control and better efficiency.

For more information, visit

Transformative Executive Education: Develop Yourself and Your Company with the Advanced Leadership Institute

Transform the way you lead – the way you think about leadership – by developing the skills that will take you and your team to the next level. MCAA’s Advanced Leadership Institute (ALI) is now accepting applications for Course 23, which will run October 1-4 (Week I) and November 12-16 (Week II), 2023.

The ALI is a unique leadership education experience designed especially for senior executives from MCAA and MSCA member companies. This prestigious two-week program helps participants develop and practice the practical skills they need to successfully lead their organizations, in an immersive on-campus experience at the UNC’s Kenan-Flagler Business School in Chapel Hill, NC.

The ALI is designed for individuals who have chief executive responsibilities for their company, or for a significant business unit within the company. The program is one of the top executive leadership experiences provided by any member organization, anywhere; Kenan-Flagler is ranked #2 in the nation for custom executive education, and #9 in the world!

This elite executive education program is limited to 36 participants per year to allow for extensive industry networking alongside its top-tier curriculum. Interest in this year’s program has been unprecedented, and we expect the course to fill quickly. To learn more about the program – including who should apply, and how to download and submit the application – visit the ALI course page.

Celebrate MCAA’s 20 Years of Safety Excellence Each Month of 2023 With a Safety Resource Kit

To celebrate MCAA’s 20 Years of Safety Excellence, MCAA is offering monthly safety kits to benefit our contractors around the country and the mechanical industry workers they support. Each kit will include videos, webinars, trainings, and additional resources on each monthly topic.

March 2023: Power Tool & Hand Tool Safety

Every contractor and worker use tools to do their job. Injuries from improper use and choosing the wrong tool for the job happen far too often. This month’s kit provides members with information on the most common hand and power tool injuries in the mechanical construction and service trades. The videos highlight the tools most likely to be involved in an injury incident and teach proper use of the tools to help prevent injuries. Also, check out these additional resources from our partner in safety, MILWAUKEE TOOL, for additional information on power and hand tool safety.

Worker Safety Training Videos & Accompanying Resources

Hand & Power Tool Safety

Welding and Cutting Safety

Welding – Electric Arc Welding Safety


Hand Incident Prevention Training Kits

Safety Training Videos

Find the Latest from Morris Group International and Trane in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Morris Group International
Get hassle free maintenance with the Murdock® Maintenance Advantage Program. These products have features that can help make installation and maintenance faster and easier.

Trane creates sustainable, energy-efficient systems for commercial and residential projects. Contractors can count on our expertise, partnerships as well as tools and resources to get the job done.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

IAPMO & AWWA Publish Recommended Practices for the Safe Closure & Reopening of Building Water Systems

The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) have published the AWWA/IAPMO Manual-2022: Manual of Recommended Practices for the Safe Closure and Reopening of Building Water Systems.

This manual of recommended practice is intended to provide expert guidance on building water system safety. It provides sound and effective risk management practices for preparing water systems when buildings must be shut down or put into low-use modes, “exercising” building water systems during periods of no or low use, and evaluating and prepping water systems for reopening.

“This manual will serve as a practical reference for repeatable and reliable methods to manage building operations through a full range of challenges,” said Rich Benkowski, UA Department of Education Consultant.

Read the full press release and download the new manual below.

Don’t Miss Out – MCAA’s First Field Leaders Conference Is in April

Conference Dates: April 3-5, 2023 | Scottsdale, AZ

April will be here before we know it, and so will our first Field Leaders Conference of the year. Those who attend will return with the skills they need to be business- and results-oriented managers focused on growing company profits and brand. Grow your field leaders’ skill set while at the same time supporting the Arizona MCA, our host and MCAA’s newest affiliate. Register your team today!

Field Leaders Will Learn

  • To view themselves as professionals
  • The importance of the bottom line
  • Why customer relationships matter
  • How to establish tangible goals
  • What’s the “smarter” way to work
  • Their role as the face of your company
  • What it means to be a great foreman

Staying On-Site Adds Networking Time

When they stay at the conference hotel, your field leaders will have extra time to share experiences and listen to others. They will build new relationships that allow them to exchange advice and support long after they leave.

Financial Assistance Opportunities

Assistance is available in the form of UA International Training Fund (ITF) grants. CPMCA is also offering two $1,500 stipends per company for its members. Contact Jessica Diaz at for more information on those.

Your lead field personnel cannot afford to miss this conference! Don’t delay – register today! Three additional conference dates are being offered for those who can’t make it to the April conference.

MCAA23 Make Your Moments at the M/SC Exhibit

Every year the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council (M/SC) join together to form the leading exhibit in the industry at the MCAA Annual Convention. The exhibit at MCAA23 will be no exception.

This year, over 100 members of the Manufacturer/Supplier Council will be participating in the annual exhibit. From tools to software to building and servicing your projects, this exhibit will keep you at the forefront of the most recent industry advances to help your organization excel. 

The exhibit will be held on Tuesday, March 28 in the Grand Saguaro Ballroom at JW Marriott Desert Ridge in Phoenix, Arizona from 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. All MCAA23 attendees should plan to stop by, grab some breakfast and plan for the future of your business. 

MCAA would like to recognize and thank the members of the Manufacturer/Supplier Council Governing Board, who make up the sponsors of the MCAA Annual Convention.

Special thanks to the following companies:

Benefactor Sponsors

  • Apollo Valves – Monday Featured Speaker Captain David Marquet
  • CNA – Final Program & Awards of Excellence Co-Sponsor
  • Daikin Group – Wednesday Dinner & Concert Beverages 
  • EVAPCO, Inc. – Sunday Night Souvenir Photos & Education Seminar Handouts
  • Ferguson – Tuesday Brunch Featuring Dana Perino 
  • Johnson Controls – Monday Opening Breakfast 
  • LAARS, a Bradford White Company – Convention Registration Bags 
  • MILWAUKEE TOOL – Wednesday Evening Reception & Awards of Excellence Co-Sponsor 
  • SLOAN – Wednesday Featured Speaker Valerie Burton
  • Uponor – Sunday Night Opening Reception Dinner 
  • Viega – Student Chapter Activities 
  • Watts Water Technologies – Wednesday Night Dinner 
  • Zurn Elkay Water Solutions – Thursday Closing Session Speaker Matt Iseman  

Major Sponsors

  • ASC Engineered Solutions – Annual 5K Fun Run & 1-Mile Walk 
  • Baltimore Aircoil Company – Monday Education Speaker Matt Radicelli 
  • Carrier Corporation – Annual Golf Tournament Co-Sponsor 
  • DeWALT Industrial Tool Company – Hotel Room Key Cards 
  • Morris Group International – Convention Lanyards 
  • Mueller Industries, Inc. – Thursday Closing Breakfast 
  • NIBCO INC. – 46th Annual Tennis Tournament & 2nd Annual Pickleball Tournament & Convention App 
  • SIEMENS – Sunday Opening Party Beverages 
  • Victaulic – Annual Golf Tournament Co-Sponsor 
  • Weldbend Corporation – Convention Journals 
  • Winsupply – Sunday Turndown Gift 

Supporter Sponsors

  • AB&I Foundry – Convention Souvenir 
  • Arizona MCA – General Convention Sponsorship 
  • Charlotte Pipe & Foundry – Convention Souvenir 
  • nVent – Convention Souvenir 
  • Parker Hannifin – Convention Refreshment Break 
  • Trane – Convention Refreshment Break 

Angie Simon Receives Industry Advocate Award for Her Recruiting Efforts at the 2023 MEP Conference

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average age of a construction worker is 42, and nearly 20% of the workforce is over the age of 55. Finding and recruiting young workers into the trades remains a challenge for contractors. Angie Simon of Western Allied Mechanical, an MCAA member, and the past President of SMACNA decided to do something about it.

At the 2023 MEP Innovation Conference, Simon was recognized by Britton Langdon of MSUITE with the first Industry Advocate Award for her efforts with the Heavy Metal Summer Experience.  What started as small camps developed with two contractors – Western Allied Mechanical in Menlo Park, California, and Hermanson Company in Kent, Washington, has grown into a nationwide program.  “We started with two camps and jumped to 11 camps last summer [2022] and 170 high school aged students,” Simon said. “We are excited for this summer because now we have around 30 camps committed and expect over 425 students,” she added.

This incredible growth is the built around the playbook that Simon and her team put together for the camps. It includes everything needed to run a camp – the forms, permission slips, work permits and safety documents. This playbook also provides contractors with lessons and projects for the camps and suggestions for working with local Joint Apprenticeship Training Committees (JATCs) to get as many into the industry as possible.

The camps get kids working with their hands, learning how to use industry tools, and learning some of the basics of the industry. Each camper receives a set of work boots, T-shirts, a bag of tools and the projects that they make. The costs of these items are covered by charitable donations from industry manufacturers, contractors and associations. According to Britton Langdon, “Through DEWALT, Stanley Black & Decker has sponsored the Heavy Metal Summer Experience across the country with resources, expertise and assistance in the camp. In addition, they have provided more than $200,000 in product donations to the campers.”  The program is also supported with key partnerships from Milwaukee Tool, Procore, Mestek Machinery, SMACNA, and the Makers Grant.

Following the award ceremony, MCAA, NECA and SMACNA announced that they would make a $10,000 donation on behalf of the MEP Innovation Conference. For more information on the Heavy Metal Summer experience, please visit their website.

Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Listening to Our Customers

A successful mechanical contracting company constantly seeks ways to enhance its business operations by encouraging honest feedback from customers. MCAA’s Listening to Our Customers explores customer types and offers tips and suggested questions to get customers talking. It’s just one of MCAA’s educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership.

The bulletin covers how to approach customers, tools for marketability and suggested questions to get customers talking for each of the following customer types:

  • Service
  • Design-Build
  • Industrial
  • Bid/Plan & Spec

For a full list of available Management Methods Bulletins, visit the Management Methods Bulletins page.

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?

Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall.

Find the Latest from MILWAUKEE TOOL and Cerro Flow Products LLC in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

The M12 FUEL™ ProPEX® Expander unlocks a breakthrough in productivity for plumbing installers, delivering the fastest 3/8”-1” expansions. Featuring an auto-rotating head, the expander provides you with uniform expansions for the most consistent installations. In combination with the ProPEX® Expander Heads with RAPID SEAL™, installers will experience up to 65% faster sealing of connections as temperatures decrease, reducing the time before pressure testing.

Cerro Flow Products LLC
Cerro Flow Products LLC is pleased to announce CerroPress® – the next generation in copper press fittings. Purposely engineered for ease of assembly and backed by a dedicated customer service team.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

Help Your Field Leaders Understand Their Impact on Profitability at the 2023 Field Leaders Conference

MCAA’s Field Leaders Conference is where field leaders realize their importance and value as professionals and members of the management team. Have your field leaders join us in April, May, August or October to learn the skills they need to be business, and results, oriented managers focused on growing company profits and brand.


Help Your Field Leaders Understand Their Impact on Profitability
with Mark Rogers, MCAA Past President & President, West Chester Mechanical Contractors

Many in the field may not realize how their daily job impacts the people they work with and the bottom line. At the MCAA Field Leaders Conference, your field team can benefit from the know-how of someone who has experienced it all in The Foreman’s Impact on Profitability session led by MCAA member Mark Rogers. Rogers began his career as a Steamfitter Apprentice in 1986 with Local 420 in Philadelphia, went on to start his own mechanical contracting company in 1996 and served as MCAA President in 2011. He volunteers around the country presenting his “Real Cost of a Man Hour” and has given the talk over 125 times to over 20,000 UA Members. Rogers is passionate about education for everyone in the industry and tailored his presentation at the Field Leaders Conference specifically so those in the field can better understand and appreciate their overall role and impact on a job.

Mark Rogers is the President of West Chester Mechanical Contractors. He started out as a steamfitter, then started West Chester Mechanical in 1996. The company specializes in private commercial work in the healthcare and educational arenas. An MCAA past president and Chair Emeritus of MCAA’s Education Committee, Mark’s passion is education for everyone involved in our industry. He continues to help develop programs and sessions for the association, including the “Real Cost of a Manhour” presentation, which he has delivered over 125 times in the past eight years.

We have four conferences coming up in Scottsdale, AZ (April 3-5), Chicago, IL (May 17-19), San Francisco, CA (August 2-4) and Des Moines, IA (October 11-13). Register your field personnel today! This is a conference you can’t afford them to miss.