Message from Mike Farrington, MS/C Chairman: Safe Water and Sound Solutions
MCAA and our Supplier Partners know contractors aren’t just looking for solutions, you’re looking for Smart Solutions.
Are You Ready for the January 4, 2014, Lead-Free Compliance Deadline?
The Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (U.S. Public Law 111- 380) goes into effect nationwide on January 4, 2014. It reduces the allowable…

A. D. Winston Speeds Processes, Increases Efficiency with Victaulic
To install the mechanical system for the International Gem Tower, one of New York City’s largest HVAC installations, A. D. Winston Corporation turned to Victaulic,…

With Timetable Shortened Dramatically, MLP Turns to Zurn Plumbing Solutions
In urgent need of more space, Erie County Medical Center Corporation (ECMCC) shortened the construction timeline for its new long-term care facility from two years…

Sauer Group Selects Anvil Products to Support the World’s Tallest Launch Pad Water Tower
To support a massive water tower for a NASA launch pad, Sauer Group Inc. employed Anvil pipe supports and rollers for their durability and history…

BAC Proves a Fruitful Choice for Doubl-Kold
Washington State had a record apple harvest in 2012, so Double-Kold of Yakima, WA, stepped up to expand storage capacity rapidly for growers across the…

Siemens Provides Contractor Tips on Selecting Damper Actuators That Make the Most of HVAC Systems
In recent years, HVAC trade magazines have cited that more than one third of the commercial HVAC systems in the United States are broken. They…

Nelson Stark Saves 20 Percent on Labor Using Viega ProPress for Stainless
Cincinnati, OH, plumbing contractor Nelson Stark Company is installing thousands of feet of Viega ProPress systems for both copper and stainless steel in sizes ½”…

Delta’s Advanced Plastic Cooling Towers Are the Cure for Hospital’s HVAC Ills
To overcome recurring cooling tower-related HVAC performance problems, Davis Memorial Hospital of Elkins, WV, recently purchased two high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cooling towers, manufactured by Delta…

Using BuildingAdvice Technology, TCMS Demonstrates Savings, Secures Building Portfolio Maintenance Contract
Temp-Control Mechanical Service (TCMS) was confident that the BuildingAdvice™ suite of energy services from AirAdvice would help them win a preventive maintenance (PM) contract and…

With Miller’s PipeWorx System, De-Cal Welders Work Twice as Fast as Stick Welders
To meet growing demand, Michigan based De-Cal, Inc., opened its own fabrication shop with four multiprocess pipe welding systems (the PipeWorx Welding System from Miller…

Wade HydroMax Siphonic Roof Drainage System Saves Costs, Installation Time
Using Wade’s HydroMax® siphonic roof drainage system, a Wal-Mart in Chatham, IL, reduced the number of large pipes needed from 14 to three, thus saving…

Industrial Cooling Corporation Retrofits Reciprocating Compressor with BITZER Scroll
Industrial Cooling Corporation (ICC) of Metuchen, NJ, recently retrofitted a 10-ton reciprocating compressor with a BITZER scroll compressor (ESH736-4SU) to keep overall client costs down,…