Train Your Field Leaders for Success

November 28, 2016

MCAA’s 2017 Field Leaders Conference (Denver, May 10-12) provides foremen and superintendents with the management and leadership skills they need to be effective in managing jobsite labor, other personnel and operations to keep projects on time, on budget and profitable. Act now while space is available.

Field leaders play a key role in making sure that projects run smoothly and efficiently, and their abilities as leaders and managers determines their success. However, those who rose from the craft labor force to their position may not have sufficient skills to properly motivate project staff and labor, solve project problems quickly and effectively, relate positively with customers, suppliers and colleagues and develop and implement strategies that will increase productivity and profits. And, they may not think of themselves as a professional and a member of your management team, which may affect their interpersonal as well as their project management actions and decisions.

Helping your field leaders understand their importance and value to your business and its bottom-line is an important objective of this conference. They will learn the skills needed to be an effective people motivator rather than a punisher; a proactive planner rather than a knee-jerk responder; a team leader rather than a team member; a skillful communicator, listener, and arbiter rather than a my-way-or-the-highway dictator; and a business-and results-oriented manager focused on growing your company’s profits and brand.

Your field leaders will understand:

  • That they ARE professionals, a member of your management team and the face of your company;
  • The importance of the bottom line and the company brand;
  • How to communicate with and relate to project and craft labor personnel effectively;
  • That customer relationships matter;
  • How to establish tangible goals;
  • The “smarter” way to work; and
  • What a great foreman is and means.

Not certain if your field leaders will benefit? Here is a sampling of comments from the 2016 class:

  • “I felt so empowered…there is a lot I am doing but so much more I need to do.”
  • “My first time attending a conference. Hit home on many topics. It was extremely valuable to hear different ideas and approaches from fellow leaders.”
  • “This was an experience that will impact the way I carry out my new career path.”
  • “I thought the topics were well laid out, very motivational.”
  • “I came to the conference not expecting much but I got something from every part. Lots of great info and lots of things I need to improve.”

Don’t miss your chance to train your personnel at the Denver Field Leaders Conference. It will sell out quickly.

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