If you’re a woman executive or employee of an MCAA/MSCA member company and you’re headed to MCAA18, join us for a networking reception and education session. The events kick off MCAA/MSCA’s Women in the Mechanical Industry forum. The forum will enable women in the mechanical industry to further enrich their careers through networking, educational, mentoring and career development opportunities beyond those already offered through membership in MCAA and MSCA.
Network with MCAA/MSCA’s Leading Women
On Monday, March 26, 2018 join us from 3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. to meet and network with some of MCAA/MSCA’s leading women and share your ideas for future programing and other career-enhancing events!
Take Charge of Your Career Education Session
Women in the Mechanical Industry will sponsor a special education session on Tuesday, March 27, 2018 from 10:15 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. The session, based on Catalyst’s in-depth research study, The Promise of Future Leadership: A Research Program on Highly Talented Employees in the Pipeline, focuses on the two proven career advancement strategies that have the strongest payoff for women professionals:
- Building mutually-beneficial relationships with influential others
- Making achievements visible in ways that benefit the individual and organization
During this session, you will learn to:
- Recognize the strategies you use to accelerate your career
- Understand the full range of career strategies available
- Discover which strategies work for women vs. men and why
- Identify the areas in which you need help—whether in the form of opportunities, skills or insights—as you work to advance your career
- Build or strengthen skills that will enable you to effectively leverage the career-advancement strategies that work for women
- Develop a concrete plan for implementing these strategies at work
- Expand your professional network
The session will be presented by Audrey Gallen, a Senior Director in the Learning Products & Programs Department at Catalyst. The organization works with some of the world’s most powerful CEOs and leading companies to help build workplaces that work for women and accelerate and advance women into leadership positions. She is a frequent speaker on the topics of unconscious bias, inclusive leadership, career advancement strategy, and LGBT workplace inclusion.