If workers inhale a large enough concentration of microscopic crystalline silica particles, it can lead to silicosis, lung cancer, and other health problems. MCAA’s Guide to Silica Safety provides mechanical construction employers with the information they need to help their workers:
- Understand the potential hazards associated with overexposure to respirable crystalline silica
- Identify the most common mechanical construction activities that can produce it
- Identify common activities performed by other trades that can produce it
- Implement the best available safe work practices to prevent overexposure
- Comply with OSHA’s Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard
Additional Silica Resources
Whether you’re looking for help developing a written silica exposure control plan, a summary of the OSHA standard or additional training materials, MCAA has you covered with these resources:
- Model Exposure Control Plan – Alternative Exposure Control Methods
- Model Exposure Control Plan – Table 1 Applications
- MCAA Safety Bulletin
- Safety Training Video
- Pocket Guide
- Documentation Sheet
- Test
- Test Answer Key
- CNA Silica Compliance Course
If you have questions about any of these resources or OSHA’s silica standard, please contact Pete Chaney at pchaney@mcaa.org or 301-990-2214.
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