Collective Bargaining (CBS) Seminars

In labor negotiations, preparation and unity are key. Unions often excel with focused leadership, but many multi-employer associations lack readiness and cohesion, resulting in unintended outcomes. Beyond wages, the bargaining committee must pay attention to potentially poorly written provisions and other elements that can lead to future misunderstandings and disputes.

As we face expiring long-term contracts and the retirement of experienced members, many bargaining committee members and association staff are new to negotiations. They may know the Union and the work itself, but they may not be fully aware of all the responsibilities involved in multi-employer bargaining. This program is custom designed to provide the tools and knowledge for effective multi-employer bargaining, transforming unprepared committees into confident, unified teams.

These courses are eligible for a 20% rebate on instructor fees, up to $5,000 per class. This benefit is available only to MCAA members and local affiliates in good standing who book courses via the NEI Initiative portal.

Seminars taught by Ed Kommers include:

  • CBS 101: Collective Bargaining – Empowering the Negotiation Committee Through Training and Preparation