OSHA recently released interim silica enforcement guidelines for its Compliance Safety and Health Officers (CSHOs). The guidelines, which are attached, may be helpful to you in preparation for OSHA’s enforcement of the standard. MCAA expects that OSHA will begin full enforcement of the standard on October 23, 2017. Guidelines
MCAA has a bank of silica safety resources that will help you protect your workers from overexposure, and help your companies comply with the standard. All the resources, including a worker safety training video, are available to members for free as a benefit of membership. Direct links to the resources follow.
- An MCAA Safety Bulletin that highlights key provisions and summarizes the rule;
- An MCAA Guide to Silica Safety;
- A silica safety training video and accompanying pocket guide, documentation sheet, test and test answer key;
- A model silica exposure control plan; and
- CNA’s Silica Compliance Course
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