MCAA, NECA, SMACNA and TAUC Join Forces to Recognize September as National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month with #988 Chip

September 8, 2022

Construction is a hard and high-stress profession and has one of the highest rates of suicide in the nation. This month, MCAA has joined forces with NECA, SMACNA and TAUC to acknowledge those affected by suicide, help raise awareness about mental health and connect individuals with treatment services. Our four trade associations are uniting behind fixing this problem and shining a light on the importance of your mental health. Together we have released a chip with the new suicide and crisis prevention number; #988. 

Our goal is to provide our members OR someone they know, with a resource where they can get help. We want to spread the message of “It’s okay to not be okay.” It’s time for the construction industry to step up and change the culture of not speaking up when you have a problem. Not all injuries are visible. Not all trauma is evident. Your mental health matters.

To get a set of chips, please email your mailing address and your chip quantity request to Raffi Elchemmas.

MCAA members can order stickers here. To order chips, contact Lindsay Korpiniski at and reference the MCAA and UA 988 Chips. Both manufacturers employ union labor, and the chips and stickers carry the union label. Those with questions can contact Raffi Elchemmas (

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