Smart Solutions

Enhancing Customer Experience and Repair Reliability

A Crockett technician uses XOi technology on his phone to provide live progress updates, which improves communication with customers and ensures their needs are promptly addressed—simplifying the repair process for everyone.

Crockett Facilities Services uses XOi to improve customers’ experience, which translates into more confidence in Crockett’s recommendations and repairs. XOi also provides Crockett’s technicians with easy access to a knowledge database, repair manuals, and expert guidance, so they can make well-informed decisions, and repairs are done right the first time. Happy customers and efficient, effective technicians help Crockett be more productive.

Listen to XOi’s podcast for more insights on how to empower your field technicians:

XOi gives Crockett’s customers access to live updates on the status of their service requests, work orders, and project progress. Customers can easily communicate with the Crockett team, ask questions, and provide feedback through the XOi platform. They can also download images and work orders to save for future reference or invoice approvals. This streamlined communication process ensures that customers’ needs are addressed promptly, leading to quicker issue resolution and a more satisfying experience.

Read XOi’s tips on boosting the bottom line for field service:

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