New Tool to Track and Report Vaccine and Testing for OSHA’s ETS on COVID-19: 1/3/22

January 3, 2022

There have been many requests from MCAA members for a simple and easy way to track & report the Emergency Testing Standard (ETS) from OSHA for both the vaccine requirements and weekly testing. 

TYFOOM, a member of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council (M/SC), created an automated, simple, and easy process to reach all employees on a regular basis with an ETS survey (examples attached).

For more information, please contact Tyfoom at or call 801.717.1231 and mention that you are an MCAA member to obtain a 10% member discount.

As a reminder, unless ruled on by the Supreme Court, the most current OSHA compliance deadlines are:

  • January 10, 2022: All requirements except testing
  • February 9, 2022: Testing

If you have any questions, please contact MCAA’s Executive Director of Safety, Health, and Risk Management, Raffi Elchemmas, at

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