Registration Now Open for MCAA’s Fabrication Conference

August 8, 2022
The MCAA Fabrication Conference, powered by MSUITE, is going to Seattle this November 2-4 with a tour of one of the country’s most dynamic mechanical contractors – McKinstry Company. This conference is one of MCAA’s most popular conferences and it sells out quickly. Registration is limited to 2 people per company, including those with multiple locations. Register now!

The MCAA Fabrication Conference, powered by MSUITE, is going to Seattle this November 2-4 with a tour of one of the country’s most dynamic mechanical contractors – McKinstry Company

Founded in 1960, McKinstry has grown into one of the largest MCAA members in the country. They design, build, fabricate, install and maintain buildings across the U.S. with locations in 10 cities across the West, Mid-West and South. Their headquarters located in Seattle, Washington is a multi-building campus that includes fabrication, design, coordination, facility maintenance, incubator space and a public showroom for some of their services.

This conference is one of MCAA’s most popular conferences and it sells out quickly. Registration is limited to 2 people per company, including those with multiple locations.

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