How Do You Find & Train Skilled Service Technicians?

October 2, 2020

PCA’s Third Module in their Virtual Education Series on Plumbing Service Focuses on Recruiting and Training Service Technicians 

Being able to find and develop plumbing service technicians is one of the biggest challenges that plumbing contractors face. While apprentice training is widely available for plumbing skills, service training requires additional soft skills training and sometimes licenses. The number and quality of service technicians that you have at your company is the single biggest limitation to business growth in the sector. While you can buy trucks, tools, heavy equipment and service software, if you can’t find the people to work them, you are always going to be limited by the number of hours they are able to work. 

In the third module of the PCA’s Virtual Education Series on Plumbing Service, attendees will get a first-hand look at how the host company, JPG Plumbing & Mechanical Services, train and recruit service technicians. The module will feature a video taken from the JPG skills training lab with an overview from JPG Vice President, Marc Gluck and Service Director, Katina Blodgett on how they teach technical skills, soft skills and reinforce company culture through training. 

Following the video, JPG President, John Geiling will lead a discussion with attendees on how they approach recruiting new service technicians, where they find them and what they do to train and retain their employees. Marc Gluck and Katina Blodgett will also detail how they approach soft skills training and external training for necessary licenses and operations.   

The PCA Virtual Education Series is a seven-module case study with weekly sessions focusing on JPG Plumbing & Mechanical Services. Each module includes a video, an online discussion and handouts.  The series is limited to MCAA, PCA and MSCA members and costs $400. Prior sessions can still be accessed after their live broadcast. 

For more information, contact Sean McGuire.


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