UA ITF Offers Grants for MCAA’s Safety & Health Conference

October 26, 2023

The United Association’s (UA) International Training Fund (ITF) is offering $5,500 grants for the 2024 MCAA Safety & Health Conference, which includes 50+ hours of education and training from subject matter experts on safety, health, risk management, and legal issues. Forty grants are available for the January 16-18, 2024, event in Tucson, AZ, with grants limited to one per local.

The ITF Board of Trustees approved the grant so that individuals can learn firsthand about safety and health issues specific to the mechanical construction and service industries through world-class training and education. The grant, which was first announced in the UA’s Fall/Winter 2023 Safety News, is intended to cover 40 hours of wages and all travel related costs to attend the conference. Any unspent funds may be used by the local union education fund for other training program initiatives.

To be eligible for the grant, you must:

  • Attend all three days of the conference and
  • Provide proof of a current OSHA 500 credential

See the grant guidelines for more information, including how to apply. Please be sure to submit your ITF grant and have your attendee register for the conference by Friday, November 17. 

If you have any questions, please contact Jocelyn Crowder, Fund Administrator, at or 410-269-2000, ext. 4010.

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