College students across the country are finishing up finals and heading home for winter break. Following a few days of post-finals rest, their #1 priority will be to secure a summer internship or full-time position. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to put your company in the spotlight during the golden weeks between semesters! Post your entry level, full-time job or internship today and ring in the new year to successfully growing your workforce.
How it works:
- Login with an MCAA username and password
- Click on the job board within the Career Development page
- Click Manage My Jobs and Add a Job to create your posting
- Jobs remain active for 1 month to ensure postings stay fresh
- When the job is set to expire, a reminder will be sent for you to either “mark as filled” or “duplicate” and repost for another month
- Interested students can view postings and submit their contact information and resume
- Your office will be notified via email when interested students submit their resume
- From there, your office is encouraged to continue with your company’s application and interview process
MCAA’s Job Board Delivers Results
A student from Ball State University was recently hired by U.S. Engineering after using the new GreatFutures job board to find a summer internship. Congratulations to Reece Manning and U.S. Engineering! Read the article.
There’s Still Time to Apply for an Internship Grant!
If you already employed an intern in 2022, remember to submit an application for an Internship Grant. MCAA members may submit up to two applications per year for a $1,000 grant (to your company) and an accompanying $500 gift card (to the intern).