Meet our WiMI Mentors/Mentees

July 10, 2020

 MCAA’s WiMI Committee recently launched a Mentor Program. Mentors and mentees signed-up to be a part of this program in hopes of gaining new perspectives on the industry, building connections, developing a support network, and more. Committee members recently took some time to speak with mentees and mentors participating in the program to find out how things are going. Meet our first pair, Hannah and Kristin! 

Hannah Leslie, an Assistant Project Manager at The Brandt Companies in Carrollton, Texas enrolled in the program as a mentee, hoping to be paired with a mentor who could share the do’s and don’ts of business, tips and tricks to success in the industry, and overall life advice. Little did Hannah know she would be paired with her perfect match! 

Kristin Blundell, a Senior Preconstruction Manager at U.S. Engineering in Westminster, Colorado was recommended to be a mentor in this program from a fellow colleague, a young Preconstruction Engineer who had previously been mentored by Kristin herself. Kristin, who has always taken young professionals under her wing, has proven to be the ideal mentor. 

Hannah and Kristin first connected at the beginning of this year. Their bond formed very naturally during their first phone call. Hannah had entered this program with a small handful of personal and professional goals she hoped her mentor would guide her in working towards. Through open conversations, Kristin helped Hannah expand her goals and identify her strengths to be successful. Also, from the very beginning, Kristin has reminded Hannah of valuable life lessons – stay true to herself, believe in hard work, and believe in herself. 

Kristin’s advice may seem simple, but it has been incredibly empowering for Hannah. Hannah, who is one of two females comprising a close-knit team of 10 individuals in her job site office, has recognized qualities in herself during the course of the mentorship that she now feels empowered to share with the team. Hannah has learned from Kristin to take pride in being a contributing female on the team. 

While Hannah and Kristin have a relaxed approach to their communication structure, they make sure to have a phone conversation at least once a month, every month. They also take comfort in just knowing the other is there for them anytime. An unexpected benefit the current pandemic has provided for both, is knowing they have a contact in a different part of the country to talk through how their respective companies have worked through these challenging times and implemented new work practices. 

With several hundred miles between them, with Hannah in Texas and Kristin in Colorado, they are bummed they cannot meet for an occasional cup of coffee or happy hour drink. However, they do look forward to the day they can meet in person, hopefully at MCAA’s WiMI Conference next June, if not sooner! 

For more information visit the Women in the Mechanical Industry Initiative Page.

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