Learn How to Avoid Mistakes & Preserve Wealth While Succession Planning from NEI Instructors Terry & Lee Resnick

February 29, 2024

MCAA’s National Education Initiative (NEI) Seminars bring our best programs to your local association or your company thanks to instructors like Terry and Lee Resnick, partners in Resnick Succession Group. Terry and Lee teach business owners how to enhance, preserve, and ultimately transition their companies as well as non-business assets in the most tax and cost-efficient manner.

Terry and Lee’s firm is nationally recognized for its business succession, estate planning, and life insurance advisory and implementation planning expertise.

Experienced educational seminar and lecture presenters, the duo are ideally suited to teaching the Succession Planning (SPS) Seminars. The seminars provide business owners with planning strategies to help them avoid mistakes and preserve wealth during the succession planning process.

Like our other NEI instructors, Terry and Lee bring their unique blend of industry and teaching experience to virtual courses, a relatively new NEI offering. Providing top notch, accessible education for everyone in your organization is what the MCAA’s NEI is all about! Visit the NEI website for more information about these seminars and a full list of the NEI courses available to MCAA members.

Book your courses via the NEI website, then apply for a 20% rebate on the instructor fees, up to $5,000 per class.*

*This benefit is available only to MCAA members and local affiliates in good standing who book courses via the NEI website. Learn more about the rebate program here. Have questions or need personal assistance? Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall or call him at 301-990-2215.

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