Showcase Your Company’s 2023 Successes & Apply for the MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards

December 26, 2023

MCAA and long-time safety partner CNA bring you the prestigious MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards Program. The annual awards honor MCAA member companies’ successful safety programs and innovative safety initiatives because nothing is more important than the health and safety of our workers. Take a moment to celebrate your company’s successes – apply today!

To be eligible to win, a company needs to submit an application by January 19, 2024 describing:

  • Their safety and health program in 2023 and why it believes it deserves the award; and
  • An innovation that helped it achieve a high degree of safety excellence during the year.

Companies will be divided into five categories by number of hours worked, and a winner will be chosen in each category. Each winner will receive national recognition and an attractive glass award for display.

If you have any questions about the program, please contact Raffi Elchemmas.

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