Robin Cowper Becomes First Woman JATC Chair

March 8, 2021

Ed Kommers, Executive Director of the MCA of Western Washington (MCAWW) announced that MCAWW Associate Director Robin Cowper was elected Chair of the local union-management apprenticeship (JATC) committee. She is the first woman chair and the first association executive to hold that position locally.  

The apprenticeship committee is one of the most critical, important, and visible labor-management entities in our industry.

Robin’s election is also significant in that it was suggested by the employer members on the committee and fully supported by the local union business manager.

In addition to serving on the committee for a number of years, Robin has shown her dedication to apprenticeship by teaching soft skills classes to apprentices, participating in interviews, and conducting “mock interviews.”

Ed Kommers said, “Our ever-increasing number of female apprentices will see an apprenticeship committee that reflects the demographics of the 500 apprentices in the program. Robin will do well on the committee and Good Luck to her!”

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