MCAA’s NEW Accident Investigation Video Offers Safety Training to Supervisors

February 1, 2024

An accident on a jobsite is everyone’s worst nightmare, but most accidents are preventable. MCAA’s new video helps supervisors conduct an accident investigation, so it doesn’t happen again. The video reviews the three steps of an accident investigation: Investigate, Find the Cause, and Act. It also teaches supervisors what to look for during the investigation and how to access accident investigation templates.

An accident investigation is one of the most important things a company can do because it:

  1. Helps prevent a similar repeat accident.
  2. Shows workers that the company is committed to safety.
  3. Saves money!

The video is available in both English and Spanish.

MCAA will continue to add Spanish-language safety resources throughout 2024 to help ensure the safety of all our industry’s workers.

For additional safety and health videos and a list of all 700+ mechanical industry safety & health resources available from MCAA, click here.

If you have questions, please contact Raffi Elchemmas, MCAA’s Executive Director of Safety, Health, and Risk Management

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