Arden Building Companies, LLC Recognizes Women in Our Industry

March 20, 2024

Arden Building Companies, LLC, an MCAA member, recognized some of the women of working for its companies during Women in Construction week. MCAA is pleased to share these profiles, which showcase the variety of roles held by women in our industry. Read on to learn more about them and the “aha” moments in their careers.

Vicki Cataldo, Pipefitter Foreman
Local 537 | Corporate Mechanical of New England

Vicki has been in the pipefitting trade for 20 years, and her interest in pipefitting was initially sparked by family involvement in the business. Her biggest challenge as a woman in the trades was being the only female when she first joined the union. She says, “Twenty years ago, it was very different from how it is now.” Her best experience is all the great people she met along the way – the ones who have taught her and the ones she has taught. She advises other women in the trades to “learn the trade so that no one can ever say you can’t do the job. And don’t take any crap from anyone. Learning your trade and doing it as well or better than anyone else is your best asset.”

Rose Connelly, Pipefitter Journeyperson/Foreman
Local 777 | MJ Daly

Rose joined the union in 2016 and MJ Daly in 2017. She has worked on various projects: big powerhouse jobs, small boiler jobs, and other projects in between. This has given her experience and interactions with people from across the country, and she says she truly never feels disrespected or looked down on because she is a woman. When Rose became a foreman in 2021, she noticed that many people would “test” her or try to gauge her knowledge and ability or how she would react to something. She says, “Now that we are a few years down the road, I’ve settled into my abilities as a foreman and genuinely don’t feel any different than the guys. Everyone treats me just like they would anyone else.”

Chloe Jackson, Pipefitter/Welder, 5th Year Apprentice
Local 777 | MJ Daly

Chloe joined MJ Daly in early 2021 as a third-year pipefitter apprentice. She says, “MJ Daly has given me the opportunity to obtain quality on-the-job training. Two years and two large projects later, I’m smarter and more skilled. I have gained the respect of my peers and mechanics. I have no issues pulling my weight. I am comfortable enough to crack jokes and have a good laugh. The job’s hard on everyone. Construction isn’t for everybody. Female or male: find what you’re good at and stick to it.”

Julie Figueroa – Pipefitter Journeyperson (no picture available)
Local 777 | MJ Daly

Of her role, she says, “It’s like any other job. I go to work, pull my weight, and respect those who have taught me. That’s all it takes to earn the respect of whoever I’ve worked with. We are all there to make a living, earn that credit and get home safe to our families.”

Danielle Cruso, HVAC/R, Apprentice
Local 51 | Arden Engineering Constructors

Danielle comes from a background of working with her hands on project cars as a hobby. She researched the trades, and found that HVAC sparked an interest that she wanted to pursue for her career without giving up her hobby. Danielle says, “The most interesting thing about being a service tech is that we are the jack of all trades. We become the masters of our craft.” Her advice for women in the trades is to “dive in, and don’t be afraid to get your hands dirty. No one can tell you what you can and can’t do; you can do anything you put your mind to.” Danielle believes seeing more and more women getting into the industry and taking the lead will take away the stigma about women in the trades. She comments, “It’s a lifelong, rewarding career, having knowledge and skills that can’t be taken away.”

Amanda Romano, Pipefitter Journeyperson
Local 51 | Arden Engineering Constructors

Amanda is in her ninth year of pipefitting, and six months into a new VDC/fabrication position. She studied art and anthropology in college but got into the trades after becoming interested in learning the art of welding. She says, “The positives usually outweigh the negatives, but it’s not an easy career. You must be able to wake up early, be on time, work hard, and get dirty, without much time off (unless there is little work). If you’re cut out for that type of work, generally, women make great workers in the trades. We pay attention to detail, work safely, and communicate well.” She adds, “There is a lot to learn in the trades, which is very useful. I don’t need to call a plumber when redoing my bathroom or replacing my water heater. It has been rewarding to grow independently, and I think a lot of women would enjoy seeing the fruits of their hard labor.”

Susan Avakyan, Controller
Unique Metal Works

Susan has worked at Unique for ten years, first as an Office Manager and now as a Controller. “But really,” she said, “being that we are a small company with many different aspects, I’m involved in some manner or another in just about everything. If office staff, field or shop workers need help, they know I can help them.” She continued, “It wasn’t always like that, especially being a female in a primarily male environment. I got pushback on procedures or comments that ‘they didn’t have to do what I told them.’ One of my most significant challenges was when we transitioned to digital – phones, tablets, and email were less than favorable, especially for men who had been in the trade for a long time. But with time and experience, that has changed. I have gained acceptance and understanding and now feel well respected.

MCA of New England WiMI Chapter

Susan and her colleagues Amber-Rose Sousa, Sr., a project manager with Unique, and Katie Spatcher, VP of Service Sales at Arden Engineering, are especially proud of their role in helping to create the New England Chapter of WiMi (Women in the Mechanical Industry).

Established by the New England Mechanical Contractors Association (NEMCA) in conjunction with MCAA, the New England Chapter of WiMi is focused on providing professional development, support, advocacy, and networking opportunities for women across the region. They will also assist in reducing skill gaps and creating a more gender-equal workforce.

Pictured L to R: Meghann Hennrikus (American Refrigeration Co.), Lori Gately (Kelvin Group), Katie Spatcher (Arden Engineering Constuctors), Yasmin Souza (Corporate Mechanical of New England), Amanda Gagne (American Refrigeration Co.), Amber-Rose Sousa (Unique Metal Works) and Susan Avakyan (Unique Metal Works).

Learn more about MCAA’s national WiMI initiative here and be sure to register for the 2024 WiMI Conference to enjoy exceptional speakers, interactive educational sessions, industry related roundtables and opportunities to build lasting relationships with fellow women in the mechanical industry like the ones profiled here.

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