MCA of Northwestern Ohio Hosts Inaugural WiMI Meeting

November 1, 2023

The Mechanical Contractors Association of Northwestern Ohio hosted the inaugural meeting of its Women in the Mechanical Industry (WiMI) group on October 26, 2023. Although this group is just starting its journey, it has already made a significant impact. In the spirit of “Socktober,” attendees generously contributed 145 pairs of socks to support Bethany House, a local women’s shelter.

During the meeting, the participants took time to craft words of encouragement cards for the UA Local 50 female apprentices. These heartfelt messages will be hand-delivered, along with the book “Successful Sister” authored by Alicia Robinson, a steamfitter from UA Local 469.

WiMI is deeply committed to empowering women in the mechanical industry by providing valuable opportunities for networking, education, and mentorship, enabling them to advance and excel in their careers.

MCAA is excited to welcome the Mechanical Contractors Association of Northwestern Ohio WiMI group to the growing number of local WiMI groups.

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