DISCover Your Professional Style at MCAA’s 2023 WiMI Conference

April 18, 2023

MCAA’s Women in the Mechanical Industry (WiMI) Conference kicks off on Monday, June 12th with our Opening General Session – DISCover You. In this session led by Kathryn Crosby, attendees will complete a “style analysis” profile to produce a graph of the behavior and personality tendencies for each letter designation used in the popular DISC system specific to the attendee. Attendees will uncover valuable information about themselves and others, including why some relationships work and some don’t, along with why it is essential to adapt. Crosby will also reveal your “secret weapon “and how to use it.

Kathryn Crosby has more than 30 years experience in the construction business. While serving as Vice President and CFO for a mechanical contractor she was elected to the MCAA Board of Directors, nominated as chair for MCAA’s Project Management Education Committee, was active in the AGC, and served on the faculty of the MCAA’s highly acclaimed Institute for Project Management (IPM). Today, as owner and founder of C2 Consulting, Inc, Kathryn continues her dedication and love for the construction industry doing seminars and training throughout the U.S. and Canada. She currently serves on the faculty of IPM, Construction Education Institute, MCAA’s National Education Initiative (NEI) and the UA’s Instructor Training Program. Kathryn has developed custom training programs for several trade organization and construction companies including the UA and Asbestos Workers.

This year’s WiMI Conference will be held June 12-14 in Nashville, TN. See you there!

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