Beyond the Classroom Video Series: The Endless Opportunities of Mechanical Contracting

May 10, 2021
As we wrap up our Beyond the Classroom series, we wanted to highlight the endless opportunities the mechanical contracting industry has to offer. Scott Hinton, Vice President of Harrell-Fish, Inc. and a member of MCAA’s Career Development Committee and MCAA’s Board of Directors, describes the unique nature of mechanical contracting saying, “People do not seem to get stuck in roles. They get more opportunity to advance and continue advancing throughout their careers.”

As we wrap up our Beyond the Classroom series, we wanted to highlight the endless opportunities the mechanical contracting industry has to offer. Scott Hinton, Vice President of Harrell-Fish, Inc. and a member of MCAA’s Career Development Committee and MCAA’s Board of Directors, describes the unique nature of mechanical contracting saying, “People do not seem to get stuck in roles. They get more opportunity to advance and continue advancing throughout their careers.”

A part of advancing within this industry is in surrounding yourself with other professionals. Scott credits MCAA for helping him establish relationships with contractors across the country. These are people he can call with questions, share information and ideas with, and lean on for support. They’re the same type of people, who look forward to welcoming you into this industry and helping you grow.

Take advantage of all MCAA offerings, whether in-person or virtual. Sit next to a contractor at the next in-person MCAA event you attend or send a question directly to a contractor during the next virtual presentation you watch. In short: reach out and get involved! 

Scott, and other MCAA members are ready to help introduce you to the endless opportunities within the industry!

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