Have You Registered for the 2021 MCAA Virtual Education Conference, March 22-25?

January 14, 2021

MCAA’s Virtual Education Conference (VEC) is not just another meeting, but an opportunity to network with your MCAA peers, participate in a variety of interactive education seminars, see the latest and greatest in the two-day virtual exhibit and watch the next generation compete in our annual student chapter competition.

By registering to attend the VEC, you will have at your fingertips the knowledge of industry experts who will guide you through the ins and outs of managing your business, stories of triumph in overcoming difficult times and a pointer or two on how to stay up-to-date on the industry’s leading technology.

Registration is available for individuals and for companies (up to 10 registrants per company registration).

Questions can be directed to eventregistration@mcaa.org. We look forward to seeing you in March!


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