Beyond the Classroom Video Series: The Benefit of Connecting with Industry Professionals

November 13, 2020
University of Missouri-Columbia mechanical engineering major Kylie Nedelka first learned about the MCAA GreatFutures program after hearing the association president speak to her class a few years ago. It was here Kylie realized the many benefits of being involved with the program. "Networking is by far the best thing you can do in your career,” Kylie said while stressing the importance of building a professional network.

University of Missouri-Columbia mechanical engineering major Kylie Nedelka first learned about the MCAA GreatFutures program after hearing the association president speak to her class a few years ago. It was here Kylie realized the many benefits of being involved with the program.

“Networking is by far the best thing you can do in your career,” Kylie said while stressing the importance of building a professional network. Using her networking skills, she has landed two internships with SIEMENS, a member of the MCAA Manufacturer/Supplier Council. Kylie landed her first internship opportunity at the 2018 GreatFutures Forum while riding on a bus to Disneyland, where she shared a seat and struck up a conversation with Kristin Junia, Program Manager at SIEMENS. The following day, Kylie made sure to stop by the SIEMENS booth at the forum’s career fair. This is where she could talk more in-depth with Kristin about her education and internship interests and was offered an internship on the spot.

We hope Kylie’s story inspires other students to put themselves out there and not be afraid to talk to and connect with people within the industry, as you never know where it will lead!

You can read more of Kylie’s story here.

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