A Message from MCAA’s CEO About Our Maui Convention

February 28, 2020

I am sure that the Coronavirus is on your mind as you prepare to travel to Maui for MCAA’s upcoming convention.

We have been in constant contact with the authorities and hotels in Maui, and we are planning on our convention taking place as scheduled. They stress that, at this time, Hawaii has zero confirmed Coronavirus cases and travel there is considered safe. They continue to monitor the situation closely and have pledged to update us on a regular basis. Our pledge is to do the same with you.

However, I do want you to know that if you choose to not travel to Maui at this time MCAA will fully refund your convention registration fee. You can cancel by emailing us at eventregistration@mcaa.org. Just indicate in your email that you wish to cancel.

At this point the situation is different when it comes to hotel room deposits. The hotels in Maui are advising that their “normal” cancellation policies remain in effect unless a guest is traveling from Mainland China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Taiwan or Northern Italy. The hotels have also pledged to update us should their cancellation policies change.

Again, we will keep you updated, and I sincerely hope that in a couple weeks we will all be able to escape to beautiful Maui for several days of education, camaraderie and warm, sunny weather!


John Gentille

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