reDISCOVER Exactly How to Sell at MSCA19

July 17, 2019
Join us at MSCA19 in Colorado Springs, CO from October 13-16, 2020. Phil M. Jones, author of five international best-selling books, will help the audience re-DISCOVER exactly what it takes to develop a community of customers who continue to spend with them, refer them to others and build their reputation. Participants can explore the winning tools and techniques that they can use to increase their confidence ahead of their sales conversations and achieve more from every interaction they have.
Phil Jones is the youngest winner of the coveted “British Excellence in Sales and Marketing Award” and has made it his life’s work to demystify the sales process. He re-frames what it means to “sell” and helps his audiences to learn new skills that reinforce confidence, overcome fears and instantaneously impact results. He is by no means your typical sales expert.
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