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Make the Most of Your Internship Grant Funds this Summer

If your company employs one or two interns, then ways to utilize a JRGF Part 1 Internship Grant ( $1,000 for 1 intern / $2,000 for 2+ interns) are fairly obvious, such as offsetting the interns’ salary, offering a housing subsidy if they’re from out of the area, or even rewarding the interns with a bonus upon completion of a successful summer. However, distributing the funds over multiple interns can be more of a logistical challenge. The following are a few ideas to help make the most of the internship grant and to elevate the overall internship experience at your company.

Intern Orientation Day – Gather all interns and host a training day where company policies and values are reviewed. Tour your office, make introductions and then use the funds for a lunch to make the new interns feel welcome and part of the team. 

Company Swag – Nothing says welcome to the team like branded apparel! Set your interns up in style with a collection of shirts, hats, tech cases/gadgets and personalized drinkware.

Technology Upgrades – Don’t get stuck troubleshooting out-of-date, hand me down, or broken devices from the previous decade. Upgrade your intern’s tech prior to their starting date so they can start fresh and be ready to roll on day one.

Gift Card Raffles – Keep the fun going all summer with friendly office competitions or raffles throughout their internship by offering multiple prizes in smaller increments.

Lunch and Learns – Consider adding intern/new hire lunch and learn topics over the summer to supplement their classroom and hands-on education. Each educational gathering doubles as an opportunity to further show your company’s investment in their future with your company.   

Intern/Mentor Activities – Pair your intern with a company mentor and encourage them to get to know each other in a relaxed setting by blowing off some steam during bowling, pickleball, mini golf, or even an escape room outing. Gather the mentor/intern pairs afterwards for a special sweet treat such as snow cones or ice cream.     

End of Summer Celebration – Celebrate their successful summer with a pizza party or food from your local caterer of choice. Everyone loves food, especially college students! Compile photos of the interns’ experience and run the slides on a loop throughout the event to remind them how truly incredible their summer was with your company.    

Internship Grant (Part 1)

  • Submit an application for each intern.
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
  • Companies with one intern are eligible for a $1,000 grant. Companies with two or more interns may receive a $2,000 grant.

Internship Grant (Part 2)

Once your intern is hired full-time post-graduation, come back and submit a Part 2 form for a $500 gift card to present to the new hire. Keep in mind, new hire conversions are unlimited, but the name must have previously been included on a Part 1 list from an MCAA company. Part 2 applications may not be submitted until after the new hire’s full-time start date.

MCAA thanks the John R. Gentille Foundation for its support in underwriting many of the activities of the MCAA Career Development Initiative. Chief among these is an internship program that allows mechanical contractors to identify and evaluate potential full-time hires for their companies. 

Congratulations to Adam Kuschewski, Recipient of the ATP Inspiring Future Leaders Scholarship

Adam Kuschewski is the recipient of the ATP Inspiring Future Leaders Scholarship. This scholarship was established in 2023 to recognize, support and inspire students in the mechanical industry.

Adam is studying Mechanical Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and is anticipating to graduate in May 2027. This past year was his first in the student chapter and he is planning on interning this summer with MCAA Member, CT Mechanical.

“I have not been a part of the SIUE MCAA Chapter for that long, granted it has only been a chapter for 2 years now (Chartered at MCAA23), but I have learned a lot this past year. Such as how the bidding process goes about, how to work as a team, what the field is like, and the vast opportunities that await me in the mechanical construction industry. I hope to have a lasting relationship with my school’s MCAA student chapter after I graduate by assisting new members with the bidding process and showing them what MCAA is all about.

I love solving problems and helping others. I seem to have talent in math, logic and reasoning, so I figured mechanical construction would be a great way to apply those skills in a meaningful way to better the world. After college, I can see myself working hard within a mechanical contracting company.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Adam on this prestigious scholarship and thank ATP for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

Congratulations to Madison Deck, Recipient of the Thomas J. Wanner Scholarship

Congratulations to Madison Deck, the recipient of the Thomas J. Wanner Scholarship. This scholarship, which was established in 2022, honors the retired MCA of Cleveland Executive Director, Thomas J. Wanner. Tom became the Executive Director of the Mechanical and Plumbing Contractors Association in the Greater Cleveland area in 1986. As the association executive, he focused tirelessly on labor relations, collective bargaining, education and training, legislation, codes and business operations for over 3 decades. He served as a trustee, a chair, and a member of numerous local industry, business, and civic organizations.

Madison is studying Mechanical Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and is anticipated to graduate in May 2027. This past year was her first year in the student chapter and she took on the role of Vice President.

“My involvement with the MCAA student chapter has allowed me to develop a greater understanding of potential careers I have outside of school. In the future, I would like to help student chapter members with their projects and help to introduce students to the mechanical contracting industry.

When people hear the word “engineering,” they usually think of machines. However, the mechanical contracting industry plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives. The temperature of a building drastically affects people’s comfort, health and productivity.

With the knowledge that I’ve gained from majoring in mechanical engineering, I would like to become a design engineer and project manager for a mechanical contractor and oversee projects to see how designs translate to the real world. Even if the economy worsens, there will always be a demand for heating and cooling in buildings. As concerns for the environment grow due to climate change, I would like to discover new ways of lessening the environmental impact of the industry on the planet.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Madison on this prestigious scholarship and thank the MCA/MSCA of Cleveland, Inc. for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

You Have an Intern – Now What?

The start of summer is almost here and a fresh batch of interns will soon be flowing through the doors of mechanical contracting companies across the country. You have hired your interns, but now what do you do with them? MCAA’s Internship Hot Sauce Guide answers this question with a visual display of intern-level tasks, classified by level of industry experience.

Not all sophomores are on the same level, and a freshman with extensive industry knowledge could potentially take on more challenging projects than a senior who has never stepped foot in a jobsite trailer. The Hot Sauce Guide encourages you to meet the intern where they are and work up from Mild to Spicy tasks and at their individual pace.

Congratulations to Shelby Gustafson, First Recipient of the Donald V. Brown, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

D.V. Brown & Associates, Inc., a charter member of MCAA, has established a new scholarship to commemorate the memory of its founder, Donald V. Brown, Senior. Congratulations to the first recipient – Shelby Gustafson!

Shelby is a Construction Management major at California State University, Chico with an anticipated graduation of May 2027. She is an active member of her student chapter and served as Vice President. Last summer she interned with MCAA Member, ACCO Engineered Systems and plans on returning to ACCO for the summer of 2024 to continue her internship experience.

“While working at ACCO, I have noticed that everyone there gives 100% commitment and effort constantly. This is important to me when thinking about a future career because I always give 100% to all of my projects and commitments as well. Being on a team with a mirrored mindset is super important to me because it allows me to reach my full potential. Seeing that everyone is a tight knit family is also notable because with the stress and competitive market of the industry it is nice to know that there is a supportive group backing me no matter what. Being able to reach out for help, especially in the beginning years, is especially valuable because it is vital to have people to rely on.

Through my student chapter, I have gained not only knowledge in the industry, but also a solid group of friends. The competition allowed me to expand my public speaking skills as well as get a better understanding of high-level mechanical scheduling and estimating. Without my chapter, I wouldn’t have been offered as many internship experiences and I will be forever grateful for it. I’ll be sure to keep a lookout on student outreach programs in my future company and of course I would make the drive to Chico to help support the program in the future.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Shelby on this prestigious scholarship and thank D.V. Brown & Associates, Inc. for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

Congratulations to Kavan Limbasiya, 2024 Robert J. Durr, Sr. – UA/NCPWB Partnering Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Kavan Limbasiya, the recipient of the Robert J. Durr, Sr. – UA/NCPWB Partnering Scholarship, which is in honor of Robert J. Durr, Sr., former chairman of the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau Board of Trustees, for his effort and dedication in creating a partnership between the UA and the NCPWB, which resulted in the formation of the Joint Welder Testing Program.

Kavan is studying Construction Management at Pittsburg State University and anticipates graduating in May 2025. He is an active member of his student chapter and will intern with MCAA Member, The Waldinger Corporation this summer.

“I have gained a lot through MCAA not only academically, but also personally. Academically I’ve learned a lot of things about what goes into a fully functional mechanical system. The MCAA Student Chapter Competition project exposed me to the responsibilities of a mechanical company. Personally, MCAA gave me the opportunity to socialize and make connections that have helped me to grow to be a more outgoing person.

Mechanical construction captivates me due to its dynamic nature and the opportunity it provides for innovation. The mix of creativity and precision required in designing and building mechanical systems intrigues me, and I am drawn to what I can contribute to advancements in this field. The hands-on aspect of mechanical construction aligns perfectly with my desire for practical, real-world applications of engineering principles. Moreover, the continuous evolution of technology in mechanical systems excites me and I’m eager to immerse myself in a field that demands adaptability and problem-solving skills. I see mechanical construction as not just a career path, but as a platform to make a meaningful impact by shaping the future.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Kavan on this prestigious scholarship and thank the NCPWB for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

Congratulations to Jaden Doebelin, 2024 DEWALT Patriot Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Jaden Doebelin, one of two recipients of the DEWALT Patriot Scholarship, now in its third year. The scholarship was created to recognize veterans, or those who are currently serving in the United States military, and have chosen to enter a career in the trades. MCAA thanks DEWALT Industrial Tool Company for honoring our military and our scholarship recipients for serving our country. Jon Howland (U.S. Navy Veteran) and Greg Polk of DEWALT presented the scholarships at the MCAA Awards of Excellence Breakfast in Orlando on March 20th

Jaden Doebelin has been serving in the United States Army Iowa National Guard for over 4 ½ years and is currently a Sergeant E-5 Military Occupational Special, Indirect Infantryman 11C. As an 11C, he is in charge of a mortar gunnery squad that includes four additional soldiers. 

Jaden, who is studying Construction Engineering, anticipates graduating from Iowa State University in May 2025. This summer, he will intern with MCAA Member, Baker Group, as a Service Intern.

“The most appealing part of mechanical construction is the desire for efficiency and innovation. I enjoy taking an item and improving it to the best of my capabilities for better performance. I’ve learned that mechanical construction also takes up around 30% of the total budget, which makes the aspect of comforting the owner with a finished product a high responsibility.

Immediately following graduation, I will start pre-deployment training. Following my return to the construction industry, I would like to grow my overall knowledge and understanding in a service division. Ultimately, I would like to move to the project management side, however I believe it will be imperative to know the intricacies of mechanical construction before leading a crew of people to install new equipment. 

Through my involvement with my MCAA student chapter, I have gained overall knowledge from being exposed to local mechanical contractors in Iowa. I’ve also been able to work with other students in pursuit of HVAC from different majors. I’ve connected with leaders in this industry and have learned the niches of mechanical construction through networking events. I truly enjoy the aspect of leadership that mechanical construction provides. I’ve also enjoyed learning about different techniques to mentor others in favor of accomplishing the same mission.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Jaden on this prestigious scholarship and thank DEWALT for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

Congratulations Spring Graduates! Have New Hires? It’s Time to Submit Part 2 Internship Grants

Graduation season is quickly approaching and interns are ready to step into full-time roles. Don’t forget to submit a Part 2 Internship Grant for any intern that converts to a full-time new hire at your company and was previously on a Part 1 list.

Part 2 Internship Grant recipients will receive a $500 gift card, mailed to the company, to present as a hiring bonus to their new employee. 

Snap a picture of your new hire on the jobsite, wearing company swag, or with your logo. The photos will be highlighted on our Wall of Interns at MCAA25 next March. 

Please note that Part 2 forms may not be submitted until after the new hire’s full-time start date. 

Congratulations to Daniel Kellen, 2024 Robert T. Armistead Memorial Scholarship Recipient

Congratulations to Daniel Kellen, one of two recipients of the first ever Robert T. Armistead Memorial Scholarship. This $5,000 scholarship was established by Armistead Mechanical, Inc. and the family of Robert “Bob” Armistead to symbolize his leadership, dedication, and impact on the mechanical contracting industry. In honor of Bob’s service as MCAA President, the selected winners are required to have served as their local student chapter president.

Daniel is a Construction Engineering student at Iowa State University and is anticipated to graduate in May 2025. He’s an active member of his student chapter, served as president, and previously interned at MCAA Member, the Baker Group. For the summer of 2024, he will be interning at MCAA Member, Harris Company as a Construction Project Manager Intern.

“At my previous internship, I liked that many employees were graduates from the same program I’m studying. It made working with everyone very relatable. I also enjoyed that each new day I had something related to an actual job that I was working on. Every task I was given was important in some way to a real job. The fact that I was actively making a difference and gaining real experience in dealing with day-to-day problems in the construction world was extremely gratifying.

Mechanical construction is a niche area of work. I like the fact that the mechanical systems are like the nervous system of the building. Without them, you have a structure, but not much else. 

In the future, I see myself working as an assistant project manager immediately after graduation, hopefully with a company I have worked with already. Five years later, I hope to be running projects of my own and helping more people. I believe the experience and responsibilities entrusted to me by the companies I have worked with in the past make me more than prepared to start working on more detail-oriented projects. If I didn’t have previous experience, I would have to learn the basics of working on a jobsite instead of progressing further along.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Daniel on this prestigious scholarship and thank Armistead Mechanical, Inc. and the family of Robert T. Armistead for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

Save the Date for MCAA’s 2024 GreatFutures Forum

Although summer ’24 isn’t quite here yet, it’s already time to start the process for securing your summer ’25 interns! Save the date for the 2024 MCAA GreatFutures Forum (September 26-28, 2024) in Seattle, WA. Conference registration, including the 9/27 Job Fair, is complimentary for MCAA Members, Local Association Executives and Forum Sponsors. Registration will open on June 14th.