Morgan Fischer is studying construction management at Kent State University and is one of two recipients of the Ferguson – Women in the Mechanical Industry Scholarship. Ferguson underwrites these scholarships which recognize high-achieving female students working towards a degree relative to the mechanical industry.
Morgan spent last summer interning for MCAA Member, The Brewer-Garett Company and noted that she enjoyed the company and their values so much that she decided to continue her internship with them during the Spring of 2023.

“To stay with a company long-term after graduation means that the company needs to have a sense of belonging and teamwork. I have always tried to include others and make them feel like they belong because I know what it feels like to be excluded. I think companies that have the empathy and care for their employees are the most successful. This success is not only defined by their financials or numbers of projects, but by the way their employees are proud to work there. This is so important to me because I’m very passionate about construction and the work I will be doing and I’m looking forward to being just as passionate about my employer.
Ever since I was younger, I have loved problem solving and completing puzzles. Since working with a mechanical contractor, I have viewed the mechanical systems as puzzles with all of the pieces and patterns that are required for installation. No system is exactly the same, but many of them have similar components. I enjoy the challenge that comes with different projects and coming up with solutions for the design and installation of the systems. I think a career in mechanical contracting would never get boring and is such an important aspect of a building.”
MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Morgan on this prestigious scholarship and thank Ferguson for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.