Recruit Top Talent & Apply for MCAA Internship Grants Today!

June 4, 2021

In keeping with its commitment to funding the mechanical contracting industry’s most critical human resource needs, the John R. Gentille Foundation (JRGF) underwrites many of the activities of the MCAA Career Development Initiative. Chief among these is an internship program that allows MCAA members to identify and evaluate potential full-time hires for their companies.  

Through a structured internship program, MCAA enables its members to recruit talented students, giving members a flexible, cost-effective labor force without a long-term commitment. And, because students who work for MCAA member companies tend to remain in the mechanical contracting industry, each one captured is another step toward ensuring the industry’s human resource needs are met.  

Each MCAA member company can submit up to two internship grant applications per year. Once an application is reviewed and accepted, MCAA will send a $500 Visa Gift Card to the member company so it can present the Gift Card to the student at the start of their internship. MCAA will follow-up with each company and intern to ensure the process and overall internship was successful.

Please read Building a Successful Internship Program before applying for an internship grant. 


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