MCAA Shares Safety & Health Videos to Support OSHA Safe + Sound Week

August 7, 2023

In honor of the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (OSHA) Safe and Sound Week campaign, August 7-13, 2023, MCAA is re-sharing a series of safety videos created by the Safety Alliance between MCAA, TAUC, NECA, and SMACNA for your use to highlight key safety topics with your employees and co-workers. From mental health, fall protection and other OSHA Focus Four topics like electrical hazards and caught in-between/struck-by, take time to focus on safety, you will be glad you did!

We kick off the week with a message from Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) Executive Director of Safety, Health & Risk Management Raffi Elchemmas about how workers can stay safe while using ladders and stairs, or when working at heights.

On Tuesday, we hear from National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) Executive Director, Outside Line Safety Mike Starner, CUSP, CHST about how workers can protect themselves from line of fire incidents including caught-in, caught-between and struck-by. Lockout/tagout is also covered.

The Association of Union Constructors Director of Environmental Health & Safety Alex Kopp shares a message on Wednesday about the importance of mental health and resources that are available to provide support.

On Thursday, we hear from SMACNA Director of Safety Justin Crandol, CSP, ARM, CRIS with tips to help workers protect themselves from heat hazards.

To close out the week, we hear from National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) Executive Director of Safety Wesley Wheeler, SMS, CESCP about the importance of personal protective equipment (PPE), a critical component to jobsite safety.

Learn more about OSHA’s Safe + Sound week here and follow the week’s news at #safeandsound.

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