Learn How to Best Identify Potentially Critical Issues from Former Enron Corp. CFO, Andrew Fastow at the 2021 MCAA Virtual Education Conference.

February 17, 2021

As part of our Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, you will hear from Andrew Fastow. 

When is it acceptable to engage in a transaction that technically complies with the rules but may be misleading? Can a transaction that technically complies with the rules be considered unethical or illegal? Is it ever appropriate to depart from Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)? In “Rules Versus Principles” Fastow will cite examples of such transactions at major companies, discuss the rationalizations made by executives to justify their decisions and discuss examples of how these decisions can cause great harm to stakeholders. 

Andrew S. Fastow was the Chief Financial Officer of Enron Corp. from 1998 – 2001. In 2004, he pled guilty to two counts of securities fraud and was sentenced to six years in federal prison. He completed his sentence in 2011 and now lives with his family in Houston, Texas. Fastow currently provides litigation support at a law firm and consults with public companies.

Register today and join your MCAA friends and colleagues online at MCAA’s first Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, March 22 – 25, 2021. 

Registration is available for individuals and for companies (up to 10 registrants per company registration). Questions can be directed to eventregistration@mcaa.org. We look forward to seeing you in March! 

Thank you, CNA for sponsoring this session and your continued support of MCAA. 


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