Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Developing Improved Labor-Management Relations

June 16, 2023

Intense competition requires the parties to the collective bargaining process to jointly find a path to create wealth and build relationships that allow them to be more competitive in their markets. MCAA’s Developing Improved Labor-Management Relations provides a look back at past practices as well as a road map for improving your company’s relationship with labor. It’s just one of MCAA’s educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership.

The bulletin covers:

  • Inherited collective bargaining characteristics
  • An alternative to the traditional distributive negotiation model
  • Lessons learned from the past
  • Cornerstones for change

For a full list of available Management Methods Bulletins, including several on the topic of purchasing, visit the Management Methods Bulletins page.

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?

Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall.

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