Why Do Some Companies Do Well While Others Just Barely Survive? Register for MCAA’s Virtual Education Conference and Find Out from Landon Funsten!

December 15, 2020

As part of our Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, you will gain knowledge through the experience of this presentation by Landon Funsten, Chairman of FMI Corporation.

“Past, Present and Future: How Contractors Succeed and Which Trends are Emerging for the Future” addresses how contractors of all sizes struggle to keep existing clients and maintain a foothold. However, others gain traction, build backlogs, run profitably and penetrate new areas of specialization. So, what is their secret? Why do some companies do well while others just barely survive? This seminar will show you.

You will learn the business imperatives for surviving in the construction industry, the common mistakes contractors make, and how to build a company fit for the next challenge. Landon works extensively with contractors throughout the country, focusing on buyer and seller representation, business continuity and stock valuations. Before taking his current position, he spent time in FMI’s Investment Banking Group and FMI’s Management Consulting practice.

Register today and join your MCAA friends and colleagues online at MCAA’s first Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, March 22 – 25, 2021.

Registration is available for individuals and for companies (up to 10 registrants per company registration). Questions can be directed to eventregistration@mcaa.org. We look forward to seeing you in March!

Thank you Watts Water for sponsoring this session and your continued support of MCAA.


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