MCAA23 concluded a week of many moments and final thoughts from MCAA President Robert Bolton. UA General President Mark McManus joined us to talk about the strength of the UA/MCAA partnership. MCAA’s two fundraisers concluded and President Bolton awarded the prizes before recognizing MCAA’s retiring Board members and turning over the presidential gavel to new MCAA President Robert Beck. President Beck thanked Bolton for his commitment and passion over the last year and announced MCAA’s funding of the Robert H. and Alda Bolton Memorial Scholarship in the amount of $20,000. The new Executive Committee and new Board members were introduced to the membership.

Fundraisers Concluded
MCAA’s Political Action Committee raffled off a signed Matchbox 20 guitar to John Geiling after raising $21,900. The John R. Gentille Foundation raised $29,020 that will go strictly towards projects and research conducted by leading experts and consultants and addresses our industry’s largest challenges.
Retiring Board Members Recognized
President Bolton thanked the members of the MCAA Board of Directors whose terms expired at MCAA23 saying, “Each of these Board members has contributed tremendously to strengthening this industry, and we want to recognize their service and thank them this morning.” They are:
- Chris Catania from LAARS, a Bradford White Company
- Michael Gallagher from The John F. Gallagher Company
- Pat Lynch from CCI Mechanical, Inc.
- Armand Kilijian from O’Brien Mechanical, Inc. II
President Bolton Offers Closing Thoughts
Before passing the gavel, President Bolton thanked everyone who made the trip to make their moment saying, “your attendance and engagement is what made the convention such an incredible experience for everyone.”
He noted that member participation makes MCAA what it is and thanked those who have volunteered, taught our programs, developed our resources, spoken at our events or on our webinars, and serve on national committees, task forces, our Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee for all they have done and will do for MCAA.
He went on to thank our partners at the UA for their leadership and partnership, our manufacturer and supplier members for their involvement, and our local associations for their work throughout the year, and for their hospitality when he travelled to meet with many of them. He also thanked his home association, the New England MCA and Stephen Affanato and his staff for the support they gave him during his year as MCAA’s president, and the national staff.
“This journey has been made possible with support of ALL the employees at Arden Building Companies who have kept the wheels turning back home and the business thriving over the last year. I could not have done it without you.”
– Robert Bolton, MCAA President
Changing of the Guard
President Bolton turned over the MCAA presidential gavel to his successor, MCAA President Robert Beck. Robert said, “I’m beyond thrilled to be joining you here today as the incoming president of MCAA… even though it is a bittersweet moment because it means we also say goodbye to Bob.”
He presented Bolton with a token of gratitude for his year as president and let him know that MCAA donated $20,000 to officially establish the Robert H. and Alda Bolton Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded as a $5,000 scholarship for the next four years.
Association Leaders Recognized
President Robert Beck recognized the national officers who serve as MCAA’s Executive Committee and the new members of MCAA’s Board of Directors.
New Executive Committee
Joining President Beck on the Executive Committee are:
- President-Elect Rick Gopffarth from Dynamic Systems
- Senior Vice President and Treasurer Brian Hughes from Hughes Environmental Engineering
- Vice President and Assistant Treasurer Curtis Harbour from Brandt, a Southland Industries Company
- Immediate Past President Robert M. Bolton from Arden Building Companies
New Board of Directors Members
The newest contractor members of MCAA’s Board of Directors, elected to three-year terms, are:
- Anne Finerfrock from The Bowers Group
- Rod Foley from North Mechanical Contracting, Inc.
- James Lowder from All Temperature Service Air Conditioning, Inc.
President Beck’s Remarks
President Beck shared his thoughts on the year ahead, noting that he intends to increase efforts to encourage our industry leaders, to find more avenues to connect our member companies with our vast resources and to work together to find ways to stay ahead of the curve by reinventing how we provide value and conduct business in an industry that no longer looks like it did yesterday – and that will undoubtedly look very different tomorrow.
Following his remarks, President Beck introduced guest speaker Matt Iseman, American Ninja Warrior Host, who covered everything from battling cancer, to overcoming obstacles, to the paramount importance of following your dreams.

Save the Date
We’re looking forward to making more moments in Orlando for the MCAA24 Annual Convention. Mark your calendars and join us March 17-21, 2024.