Learn How to Deliver an Outstanding Customer Experience from NEI Instructor Frank Favaro

November 30, 2022

MCAA’s National Education Initiative (NEI) Seminars bring our best programs to your local association or your company thanks to instructors like Frank Favaro, President of ServeCentric Coaching in Cleveland, OH. Frank teaches sales employees where other companies drop the ball when it comes to customer interactions, relationships, and service and how to avoid those same mistakes.

Frank is the first certified CX (customer experience) Coach specializing in our industry. He is licensed and trained by the world’s customer service authority, The Dijulius Group and John Dijulius. Frank believes the best sales and marketing strategy is a great customer experience.

His coaching track record and his experience as one of the mechanical service industry’s top account executives make him a natural fit to teach the Customer Experience Seminars (CES).

Designed for sales employees, these seminars focus on customer interactions, relationships, and service. Those who attend will learn where other companies drop the ball, and how to avoid those same mistakes.

Like our other NEI instructors, Frank brings his unique blend of industry and teaching experience to virtual courses, a relatively new NEI offering. Providing top notch, accessible education for everyone in your organization is what the MCAA’s NEI is all about! Visit the NEI website for more information about these seminars and a full list of the NEI courses available to MCAA members.

Book your courses via the NEI website, then apply for a 20% rebate on the instructor fees, up to $5,000 per class.*

*This benefit is available only to MCAA members and local affiliates in good standing who book courses via the NEI website. Learn more about the rebate program here. Have questions or need personal assistance? Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall or call him at 301-990-2215.

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