MCAA’s Electrical Hazard Safety Training Video teaches your workers to recognize electrical hazards and perform their jobs safely.
Your workers will learn about:
- The electrical concepts of path to ground and path of least resistance
- The importance of keeping power tools and equipment in good working order
- Ground fault circuit interruptors (GFCIs) and when they should be used
- Hazardous work situations and how to handle them safely
Download or play the video in English
Download or play the video in Spanish
There’s More…
Accompanying materials are also available to assist you in highlighting key training points, documenting worker training and confirming that workers understand the training concepts:
Highlight key training points
Document worker training
Download the Documentation Sheet
Confirm that workers understand the training concepts
Want More Safety Resources?
MCAA has you covered, with a full range of resources to help you protect your workers from injury and comply with applicable safety regulations. Here’s where to find them:
On our Direct Links to MCAA & MSCA Safety Resources page, where they’re listed by category with links.
In the Resource Center, where you can use the blue Refine Your Search bar to pinpoint exactly what you’re looking for.
Have questions or need personal assistance?
Contact MCAA’s Pete Chaney.