MSCA Chair, Kip Bagley was a special guest at the first “Service Connections” event, hosted by the MCA of Western Washington Service Committee on July 25th. Approximately 50 people attended the event, which connected labor and management over industry trends and challenges. The panel, including Kip Bagley (MSCA Chair), held a lively discussion on topics that included recruiting, the “uberization” of the service industry, self-diagnosing equipment, training and industry growth.
The full of panelists consisted of John Payne (Auburn Mechanical), Joel Crabtree (Local 32), Duane Bjornsen (Seattle Area Pipe Trades), Matthew Barnes (MacDonald-Miller Facility Solutions) and Kip Bagley (EMCOR Services Mesa Energy Systems and MSCA Chair), held a lively discussion on topics that included recruiting, the “uberization” of the service industry, self-diagnosing equipment, training and industry growth. MCAWW’s Executive Director, Ed Kommers, served as moderator.