Attend this year’s GreatFutures Forum Job Fair to find the best talent. Registration for MCAA members is complimentary! The Job Fair gives member companies the opportunity to interact with a diverse talent pool from our 60 MCAA Student Chapters. The Job Fair is scheduled Friday, September 20 at 8:30 am – 11:00 am in Washington, DC. Take it from these MCAA members.
Desiree Hack, Recruiting Manager at U.S. Engineering Company, has taken full advantage of the GreatFutures Forum Job Fair. At last year’s Job Fair, she hired mechanical engineering students Ahmad Attallah and Thomas Walsh, both from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Hack said, “We would have never met them if it wasn’t for the GreatFutures Forum!”
Both students are enjoying their internship experience. Thomas Walsh said, “[M]y interaction with a project manager of a mechanical contractor at the job fair helped me decide my current path of employment.”
Kristin Junia, Program Manager at SIEMENS, has also found success. Last year she hired Kylie Nadelka, a mechanical engineering student from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Kylie interns in the Seattle Branch on the company’s Operations and Engineering team.
Kristin shares, “[T]he GreatFutures Job Fair gives me the advantage of meeting a different caliber of students from across the country. I cannot wait to attend again this year!”
Be the next success story. Register today for the GreatFutures Job Fair and find your next hire!