MCAA congratulates Paige Theby, a member of the MCAA Student Chapter at the University of Missouri-Columbia, for graduating with a B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. She is excited to start her career as an Engineer with the Murphy Company.
As part of her student chapter experience, Paige competed in the final four of the MCAA Student Chapter Competition at MCAA19 in Phoenix, Arizona. She also attended the 2018 GreatFutures Forum and the 2019 GreatFutures Forum in Washington, D.C.
Through her MCAA experiences, Paige says, “I have met so many professionals in different sides of the industry that I feel comfortable enough asking them questions and have them involved in our student chapter meetings.”
She was a Building Engineering Sales Engineer Intern for Johnson Controls in the St. Louis office, where she assisted the sales team with estimates, walk-throughs, and field surveys. The internship experience led Paige to know mechanical contracting was for her.
Paige reflects on the benefits of being a part of a student chapter and having the MCA of Eastern Missouri’s support in steering her in the direction of mechanical contracting.
“It has definitely taught me to get out of my comfort zone and get out of the traditional mechanical engineering job the university steers you towards, which is design, and not everybody wants to do design.
I think it’s really neat that they [MCA] are focusing on and teaching the younger generation about the mechanical contracting industry.”
At Murphy Company, Paige will be the first Engineer to go through their Inaugural Integration Rotational Program. She says, “I will spend a couple months in estimating, engineering, operations and BIM and at the conclusion of the program we will identify the best fit for me as a full-time position.”
To preview students’ resumes, visit mcaagreatfutures.org.