WiMI Mentor Program Educates and Inspires Industry Women

December 6, 2019

The WiMI mentoring program provides a unique opportunity for young professional women in our industry to connect with a seasoned executive who can help foster mentee career development and leadership growth. The mentor will serve as an advisor and role model for the mentee.

Mentees will receive personalized advice and guidance to help achieve their full potential and become future leaders in our industry. They will also gain a broader support network of industry experts.

Our goal is to pair mentors and mentees by early January 2020.  Once paired, mentees will be notified and receive the Mentor/Mentee Program Guidelines, which will outline responsibilities and best practices for getting the most out of this working relationship.

This program will help guide our industry into the future with a diverse, exciting group of women who may have never connected otherwise. It will enable women from all spectrums of the mechanical and HVACR service industry to connect and learn from each other through support, guidance and counsel.  The value of your MCAA membership will be increased through sharing, educating and inspiring each other.

If you would like to participate, please complete the application and return to MCAA as soon as possible.

WiMI Mentee Questionnaire WiMI Mentor Questionnaire
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