Understanding the Different Generations Can be Tricky. Register for MCAA’s Virtual Education Conference, March 22–25, to Learn How to Work Better with Every Generation.

March 1, 2021

As part of our Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, you will enjoy learning from Founder and CEO of JB Training Solutions, Brad Karsh

For Millennials and Generation Z, understanding your Gen X or Boomer manager can be a tricky proposition. From tackling a first-time project, to asking for feedback, to inquiring about advancement opportunities, there is no syllabus to guide you through these tough topics. As a young professional, you might be comfortable with structure and collaboration but not all generations are ready to integrate those changes in the workplace. 

Brad’s session, “OK Boomer: Managing Up in a Multigenerational World” will address the mantra that no generation is better or worse – every generation is just different. The group discovers perceptions of all the generations, including their own, to truly understand what has shaped them. They will recognize what makes their managers tick, and learn how they typically like to work. Importantly, we discuss how Millennials and Generation Z can dispel perceived entitlement, embrace feedback, understand a manager’s style, and display initiative to get ahead. Brad is the author of three business books, including the critically acclaimed Manager 3.0: A Millennial’s Guide to Rewriting the Rules of Management.  

Register today and join your MCAA friends and colleagues online at MCAA’s first Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, March 22 – 25, 2021. 

Registration is available for individuals and for companies (up to 10 registrants per company registration). Questions can be directed to eventregistration@mcaa.org. We look forward to seeing you in March! 

Thank you, EVAPCO for sponsoring this session and your continued support of MCAA. 


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