Archives: News Items

MSCA and Convoy of Hope Featured in News!

MSCA made the News – with HOPE anything is POSSIBLE!

For the eighth consecutive year, MSCA and Convoy of Hope worked together to assist a local charitable organization at MSCA’s annual education conference. This year, MSCA worked in Boca Raton at the Palm Beach County Food Bank, during MSCA CONNECT 2017.

Click the link below for the story!

Last Chance to Register for MCAA’s Technology Conference

This week is your last chance to register for the MCAA Technology Conference. The conference provides insight on new tools, processes and software that even the most established contractors are having a hard time keeping up with.

This year’s event addresses challenges for your entire team. It was designed for all areas of your company that work with technology. General sessions are combined with in-depth breakout and roundtables to allow for a dive deep for specific users:

  • For BIM experts, we have sessions on keeping BIM costs in check, optimizing productivity and learning about the next generation of tools.
  • For service contractors, we have a full slate of breakout sessions on the hardware and software being used today by service contractors.
  • IT managers will find incredible insight from Nick Espinosa on cyber security threats from a hacker’s point of view. (Check out his video interview with BuiltWorlds)
  • Operations and management will learn how to sell technology to customers, hear about software designed for their use and understand what their IT team is asking them.

There are a lot of events each year, but this conference is the only one that is MEP focused with peers sharing ideas on the latest technology. Don’t miss this opportunity. Register now and I hope to see you in Austin this November 8-10.

MSCA Social Media Survey Winners!

We Have Winners! 
Congrats to the 10 winners who won – just for completing the one minute Social Media Survey! Many thanks to all who responded to the survey for your valuable feedback!


$100 Amazon Gift Card Winners:
Michele Hoffman, MCA of Omaha, Inc.
Richard Cooke, ABM Building Solutions, LLC
Chris Rainwater, McKenney’s, Inc.
Ron Timmons, American Mechanical Services of Colorado, Inc
John Ferrucci, F & F Mechanical Enterprises


$50 Amazon Gift Card Winners:
Jodi Van Haren, Advantage Mechanical Refrigeration, Inc.
Steve Hayes, The Brandt Companies, LLC
Pattie Krippendorf, Mechanical, Inc.
Daniel Huelsenbeck, Wagner-Meinert, LLC
Roger Eineichner, Penta Technologies, Inc.


Winners: Please email Mia Yi, Director of Communications at, to claim your prize!

Ready… Set… Go! MCAA’s Student Chapter Competition is Off and Running

MCAA student chapter members have been challenged to plan a project involving the renovation of the mechanical systems of a Brazilian restaurant in mid-town New York City—Fogo De Chao Steakhouse. The project, which was provided by Arista Air Conditioning Corporation, was announced during MCAA’s GreatFutures Forum in Indianapolis on September 30, 2017.

Project Presents Challenges

The project calls for the mechanical subcontractor to assist and coordinate the removal of the existing equipment and the installation of the new equipment using variable refrigerant flow technology (VRF). The contractor also must arrange for and coordinate the subcontracted work, manage the project within the space constraints of the restaurant (16,000 sq. ft.) and arrange all necessary city permits and licenses. The mechanical contractor may select the equipment manufacturer.

The original project design called for a chilled water system that was to be installed on the restaurant building’s roof, but the owner preferred a design option using VRF. A Simultaneous Heat Recovery system (producing heating and cooling at the same time) was selected, but bidders are to determine its design and operation.

Proposals Put Students’ Skills to the Test

Proposals are to be submitted in two segments. The first is to include pre-qualification data, such as corporate background, relevant project experience, financial information, a corporate organization chart, Building Information Modeling (BIM) capabilities, the company’s safety record, letters of recommendation and more. The second segment calls for project-specific information, such as a project staffing matrix, a schedule, a detailed construction and/or logistics project plan, unique means and methods anticipated, and a Total Lump Sum Cost Summary Breakdown.

Proposals also must include a Preventative Maintenance and Service Contract which must incorporate a complete energy service agreement covering all the installed equipment, complete tasking of all equipment, tracking and analysis of all energy used in the system, a monthly report of all energy used, a dedicated mechanic and a back-up familiar with the restaurant and the equipment, quarterly reviews of the energy spent, filter service, estimated labor and much more.

Bidders also must take into consideration the following requirements and information:

  • Bidders are invited to submit Value Engineering suggestions limited to alternative construction means and methods, alternative materials and items that will enhance the efficiency of the facility.
  • The city has requested that union labor perform all the construction work.
  • This is not a LEED project, and therefore no LEED certifications will be considered.
  • All rigging and hoisting are to be performed on Sunday only.
  • Construction crews are not allowed to use areas shared with other businesses in the building, including stairways and stairwells, lobbies and building entrances and exits.

Final Four Teams Will Present at MCAA 2018

Proposals, which are due December 15, 2017, will be evaluated by members of MCAA’s Career Development Committee. These members will select the top four scoring teams to present their proposals at the MCAA 2018 convention in San Antonio, TX on March 26, 2018. The winning team will receive $10,000, the second place team will receive $5,000 and the other two finalists will each received $2,500.

Have Questions?

For more information, please contact Harlee Gallo.

MCAA Tech Conference Brings Big Ideas Down to Earth

Small ideas can make a big difference to your company. The MCAA Technology Conference is an event that doesn’t just provide a few small takeaways, but a wealth of ideas that can be applied across your business. Technology is providing so many new tools, processes and software that even the most established contractors are having a hard time keeping up. The MCAA Tech Conference is your crash course on the latest tech trends in the industry and how other contractors are taking advantage of them.

This year’s conference addresses challenges for your entire team. MCAA fields a lot of questions on who should attend. This conference is designed for all areas of your company that work with technology. General sessions are combined with in-depth breakouts and roundtables to dive deep for specific users:

  • For BIM experts, we have sessions on keeping BIM costs in check, optimizing productivity and learning about the next generation of tools.
  • For service contractors, we have a full slate of breakout sessions on the hardware and software being used today by service contractors.
  • IT managers will find incredible insight from Nick Espinosa on cyber security threats from a hacker’s point of view. (Check out his video interview with BuiltWorlds)
  • Operations and management will learn how to sell technology to customers, hear about software designed for their use and understand what their IT team is asking them.

MCAA and MSCA host many educational events each year, but this conference is the only one that is MEP-focused with peers sharing ideas on the latest technologies. Don’t miss this terrific learning opportunity. Register now!

MCAA’s “A Day in the Life of Ted” Video – A Must-See for College Students!

“Despite being on the executive board of my school’s MCAA Chapter, I still didn’t fully appreciate what it is actually like to work for a mechanical contractor until this presentation. The “A Day in the Life of Ted” video was an excellent view as to what makes your section of the industry different than a typical building contractor.” That was one student’s reaction to the video at MCAA’s GreatFutures Forum.

The video follows Ted McHugh of West Chester Mechanical in Aston, PA through a typical workday. In addition to highlighting the daily demands associated with keeping a project on time and within budget, it showcases for students how a great future is achievable in the mechanical industry!

MSCA’s Plumbing Service 101 – Cash is King Webinar is Now Available!

If you missed Plumbing Service 101, Module 4 – Cash is King, don’t worry, you can now access the webinar in both MSCA’s Resource Center and in Archived Webinars.

This fourth webinar in the MSCA original series, Plumbing Service 101, Cash is King, focuses on the financial aspects of operating a successful plumbing service business. Some of the topics discussed include the cost of an hour of service; flat rate pricing versus hourly billing; the components of labor burden; pre-qualifying customers; billing and collections; handling paperwork; and initial expenses required for start-up.

Each module consists of a 60-minute webinar and corresponding workbook. Webinars and workbooks are free to MSCA/MCAA members.

Access the webinar in Archived Webinars


“I have never been more proud to be a plumber for a union contractor…”

MCAA is a family. Tragically, members of our family now need our help. Many of our MCAA and UA families had their lives turned upside down by the unbelievable tragedy named Harvey.

That’s why MCAA established the MCAA Disaster Relief Fund. THANK YOU to those MCAA-affiliated local associations, individuals and member companies, both contractors and manufacturer/suppliers, that have contributed to our Relief Fund.

Together, We are Making a Difference!

If you would like to make a contribution to our Fund you can easily do so via a check made out to the “MCAA Disaster Relief Fund.” Checks can be mailed to the attention of MCAA CEO John Gentille at the MCAA National Office, 1385 Piccard Drive, Rockville, MD 20850.


MSCA and Convoy of Hope

We, at MSCA want to extend our heartfelt thoughts, prayers and support to all those affected by Hurricane Harvey including members, MCA affiliated chapters, suppliers, local unions and friends. We hope that all our friends at the Sales Institute, University of Houston, Houston, Texas are safe and sound.

Our community charity partner, Convoy of Hope, sent their Disaster Services team to Texas on Friday ahead of the storm, the first relief agency to respond. They are working with local agencies to identify the areas of greatest need.

Please join us in support of the families affected, as well as Convoy of Hope’s staff and partners on the ground.

You can follow Convoy of Hope’s response and donate to their efforts by clicking the button below:

Revised Safety Manual for Mechanical Service Technicians Now Available in Print

MCAA recently released an electronic version of its newly revised MSCA Safety Manual for Mechanical Service Technicians. The manual, which includes substantive revisions to sections on CPR, choking, OSHA, arc flash and electrical shock protection, and refrigerants, and new sections on hexavalent chromium, manganese, noise, and zinc, is now available in print.

The extremely popular printed version is a pocket size manual on a durable, hard stock laminated paper. It’s also spiral bound to prevent binding damage.

The member price for printed copies has been substantially reduced. The new member pricing is $5.00 per manual, regardless of the number of manuals ordered. The non-member pricing is $20.00 per manual.

Download a PDF or Purchase Hard Copies

Does Your Company Do Construction Work or Have a Fab Shop?

Then you won’t want to miss these similar titles designed especially for construction and fabrication shop workers.

Safety Manual for Mechanical Construction Workers

Download a PDF or Purchase Hard Copies

Safety Manual for Mechanical Fabrication Shop Workers

Download a PDF or Purchase Hard Copies

West Chester Mechanical Named 2017 Mechanical Contractor of the Year

Congratulations to everyone at MCAA member West Chester Mechanical of Aston, Pennsylvania for being named Plumbing & Mechanical’s 2017 Mechanical Contractor of the Year.

Owner and COO Mark Rogers’ key to success:

“Listen to people. Listen to others who do what we do. Listen to the guys from the UA. When you listen, that’s when you learn. That’s what has helped us get to where we are now. And take care of the people around you. Be part of their lives and do for them, and good things will happen for you.”

Well said!


Read the Full Story

2017 Tech Conference Includes Focus on Service

MCAA’s annual Technology Conference has always been that one place where mechanical contractors in construction, plumbing, and service could get real life, technology information that companies could actually use but this year, a bonus has been added for service contractors.

A real effort and focus has been made this year to include relevant content for service contractors. With the guidance of service contractors on the Tech Committee, each general session will have pertinent information that will be of relevance to the service industry.

Additionally, each of the three breakout sessions will include a service focused topic that will allow MSCA members to dive deep on optimizing their operations.

We’d like to extend an invitation to your tech leaders in your organization to attend the Tech Conference to be held in Austin, Texas, November 8-10, 2017 at the JW Marriott.

Registration is now open for the 2017 MCAA Technology Conference. The registration fee is only $595 – a special value available to MSCA members.

Learn More


It’s Not Too Late to Reserve Your Room for the 2017 UA/MCAA Labor Relations Conference

The UA/MCAA Labor Relations Conference will be held at The Mirage in Las Vegas, November 14-15, 2017. The conference theme is “Highlighting Best Practices.” This will be a very positive and forward-looking event. There will be substantial UA attendance as the UA is holding a Business Managers Meeting in conjunction with the Labor Relations Conference. It will be great, therefore, to have robust attendance from MCA affiliated associations. To encourage maximum attendance there will be NO registration fee.

To reserve your room at The Mirage:

Reserve Online

To reserve by telephone:

Call: 800-627-6667
Reference code: SUAM1117

Room rates begin at $180.00/night and must be booked no later than Friday, October 20, 2017.

Registration for the conference will open in August. The conference will begin with a reception the evening of Tuesday, November 14. The conference program will be all day on Wednesday, November 15. That evening MCA local associations and UA local union attendees are encouraged to hold joint dinners. MCAA participants should, therefore, not plan on departing before the morning of November 16.

For more information, contact John McNerney.

Going Retro – The Art of Retrocommissioning in HVACR

In the HVACR industry, most know all about the commissioning process but a new resurgence of retrocommissioning is making a comeback in the HVACR industry.

Properly commissioning an HVAC installation is a necessary process that ensures newly installed systems operate as intended and since many existing buildings are in poor shape, through retrocommissioning, contractors are trained to identify problems and offer solutions.

The process of retrocommissioning refers to identifying improvements that can increase the energy savings and performance of existing buildings. Considering that about half of all commercial buildings in the U.S. were constructed before 1980, it’s easy to see why there is a growing demand for contractors who offer retrocommissioning.

Some of the problems that Richard Starr, President and CEO, Enterprise HVAC Service and Control, Twinsburg, Ohio, and former national chairman of Mechanical Service Contractors of America (MSCA), has uncovered during retrocommissioning include improper air pressures (zones that should be positive but are negative and vice versa), a lack of proper air changes per hour, and building controls that are not calibrated properly.

Ongoing retrocommissioning is absolutely vital to the performance of a building, said Thom Brazel, General Manager, Ruthrauff Service, Pittsburgh, PA, and former national chairman of MSCA.

For the full article in The News, click the button below.

Click For Full Article


Egan Realizes Rapid ROI with KEY2ACT’s MobileTech

Egan Company installed the MobileTech solution from KEY2ACT, slashing billing time and eliminating time-consuming paperwork. Chris Yelle, Egan’s service operations manager, estimated that Egan will see its return on investment (ROI) within 18 months of implementing MobileTech, which connects field staff to the back office, providing instant access to the information and enabling both sides to easily manage service calls and appointments.


Looking for More Solutions that Deliver Quick ROI?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Harrell-Fish Inc. Goes Digital with Jonas Construction Software – Move Slashes Payroll Processing Time, Improves Cash Flow

With their new Jonas Construction Software, Harrell-Fish Inc. (HFI) is now able to turn around billings about five days quicker, improving their cash flow in the process. They have also reduced their payroll processing time from about four hours a month spread out across three employees to about an hour only with Jonas.


Looking for More Ways to Save Time and Improve Cash Flow?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Get the Latest from SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., ServiceTrade and More in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

SPX LW Fluid CoolerSPX Cooling Technologies, Inc.
The Marley LW Fluid Cooler uses patent-pending heat transfer technology and EC motors. More benefits: lower height, one-piece install, single-point power, factory-installed controls and wiring.

Learn More

ServiceTrade Virtual Trade ShowServiceTrade
ServiceTrade is customer service, sales, and service management software for mechanical service companies.

Learn More

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Visit the Virtual Trade Show

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!


Download Your New Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide Today!

Members have access to a full-featured digital version of our Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide. This version enhances the look and feel of our directory with digital-only benefits like these:

  • Network on the go with linked email addresses.
  • Connect with the companies, products and services that interest you using linked web addresses.
  • Get where you’re going…fast…with bookmarks and a linked table of contents.
  • Find advertisers instantly with a linked advertiser index.

MCAA’s Membership Directory & Buyer’s Guide is free as a member benefit.

Download Your Copy

Have updates? Please share! Update your profile on our website, or contact Jan Grillo for assistance.

Sloan Offers Low-Maintenance, High-Tech Approach to Commercial Restrooms

Knowing when to service or replace aging plumbing equipment is critical to maintaining a clean, operational commercial restroom. Like regularly changing the oil in your car, consistent preventive maintenance helps avoid critical, costlier repairs down the road.


Looking for More Tips to Save You Time and Money?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.

Plus, you’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.


MSCA’s Plumbing Service 101 – Finding and Developing Great Plumbing Techs Webinar Now Available!

If you missed Plumbing Service 101, Module 3 – Finding and Developing Great Plumbing Techs, don’t worry, you can now access the webinar in both MSCA’s Resource Center and in Archived Webinars.

This third webinar in the MSCA original series, Plumbing Service 101, Finding and Developing Great Plumbing Service Technicians, provides an overview of where and how to find talented individuals and how best to train them. You will learn about the important traits to look for in your recruiting efforts and the skills needed for success.

In this webinar, Tom Bigley, UA Director of Plumbing Services, shares relevant information on UA Plumbing Service Training Programs.

Each module consists of a 60-minute webinar and corresponding workbook. Webinars and workbooks are free to MSCA/MCAA members.

Access the webinar in Archived Webinars