Highlighting NEI Instructor Kevin Dougherty

March 19, 2021

MCAA’s National Education Initiative (NEI) Seminars bring our best programs to your local association or your company thanks to instructors like Kevin Dougherty, who provides tangible solutions to today’s problems in an easy-to-listen-to style.

Kevin has been speaking to the construction industry for over 30 years, including presentations for MCAA, MSCA, the UA and other trade associations. His work and education experience enable him to relate to today’s problems and provide tangible solutions in an easy-to-listen-to style. Kevin’s ability to entertain audiences and hold their interest while getting his message across consistently makes him one of the industry’s top speaking and training talents.

His Service Training Series (STS) Seminars for Service are designed for service professionals to enhance the company’s strength in providing quality service to their customers. The series covers fundamental principles of effective leadership and communication, the value of customer service and more.

Like our other NEI instructors, Kevin brings his unique blend of industry and teaching experience to virtual courses, a new NEI offering. Providing top notch, accessible education for everyone in your organization is what the MCAA’s NEI is all about! Even during the COVID-19 era. Visit the NEI website for more information about these seminars and a full list of the NEI courses available to MCAA members.

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