Alfred State College Becomes MCAA’s Newest Student Chapter

December 12, 2018

MCAA would like to welcome their 59th student chapter, Alfred State College.

The Alfred State College MCAA Student Chapter is sponsored by the MCA of Rochester, New York. Erin Vitale, Chair of Civil Engineering Technology at the college, serves as the chapter’s faculty advisor. She helped lead the effort to get the chapter established and create student interest.

The chapter consists of Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering majors, and HVAC Associate Degree candidates. Their HVAC program involves the students in project-based learning and participation in real-world constructions projects, including installation of water, drain, heating and air conditioning systems.

The chapter will receive their charter at MCAA 2019 in Phoenix, Arizona during the Awards of Excellence Breakfast on Wednesday, March 6, 2019.

Congratulations and welcome!

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